A United Ireland

They have terrible issues with women.

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Fucking Brilliant. Tiocfaidh Ă r grĂ !


Sinn FĂ©in friend!

We’re on the one road

“The Unionist electoral majority in the North is gone”

This is going to be an absolute shitshow for Martin and Varadkar.

Mobilising the Irish American lobby is a great tactic from SF as it will put serious pressure on the US administration to support it and put Martin in a very awkward situation.

Perfect timing also.


They’re going at it all wrong
 You don’t bring the whole house down, but chip away at the foundations.

They need to look at it like the states
 if they can one county to succeed the union the whole thing will come tumbling down.

Four of the counties would go in an absolute heartbeat, that’s been pretty much the way since the 70s.

Rousing the Irish American lobby with a newly elected Irish American president is going to cause many sleepless night for that pathetic cretin Martin.

We need to be careful we don’t end up with all the shit places though. I mean do we really want Tyrone?

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Which two would stay? Antrim is one but would it be Down or Londonderry?

Down and Antrim have unionist majorities. The other 4 counties have fairly sizable nationalist majorities.

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We’ll need a flag. I like this one.


What are we looking at here chief? I’d be good enough with maps but this is one I’m not familiar with.

Four of the 6 counties have fairly clear nationalist majorities.

The two main cities in the O6 have nationalist majorities, Derry overwhelmingly.

The harp has always been the symbol of Ireland.

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