A United Ireland

We need to poach Derryā€¦

The Harp flag would be my first preference but I donā€™t think Unionists would go for it. This is the one we should go with.


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Why wouldnā€™t they? The harp is perfect.

The East Tyrone brigade were following a military strategy of liberating nationalist areas prior to the succession of the Troubles, if they were not foiled by inside agents, this would have won the war IMO.


Blue is the good guys, red is the bad guys

Too close to this one.


Given the way U.K. has done the vaccine v EU, most nationalists might want to stay

Whatā€™s wrong with the tricolour?

Itā€™s been hijacked by the far right and far left firing cannons at Gardai

This would be a great national anthem

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Well, I can safely say that thereā€™s already one blue chip London firm will ne[quote=ā€œThomas_Brady, post:571, topic:22632ā€]
Theyā€™re going at it all wrongā€¦ You donā€™t bring the whole house down, but chip away at the foundations.

At some point you have to lay down the chisel and bring out the dynamite, so to speak.

Either give them to Fermanagh to sort out or just make Tyrone into one massive motorway from Donegal and Derry to Dublin.


If the nationalist majority counties join the Republic, and those that vote to remain stay in the union it would work well. It has done in the past.

The tricolour is actually perfect, but hey ho.

It would be interesting to hear McDonald or Doherty asked to justify this.

Jaysus I do some rendition of that. Make it so.

We donā€™t want to end up with a Hong Kong type situation.

Now I realise you were jokingā€¦

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The Ards penninsula is that red? Iā€™m surprised

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Very very PUL . Hurling clubs a bit of an outlier there