A United Ireland

Republican party who runs on a United Ireland mandate try to forward their mandate to people of significant influence.

How stupid are you? Genuine question here.

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Informative. I’ve never been there

Sinn FĂ©in needs America. America are our friends.

Lets get it done.

Are you saying our Government should be influenced by foreigners? why don’t Sinn Fein just run a nationwide campaign to seek support and signatures for this?

They just want the money. It’s up there with Bannon looking for money to build a border wall.

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Should be?

The FS has been in the pocket of American multinationals for decades now.

I think the Irish diaspora should have a great say our national affairs.

SF run on a United Ireland mandate, the republican movement since day dot has sought support in all guises from the Irish American diaspora. Clearly you must be very stupid to need this explained to you.

As I predicted in the Irish Politics thread, this was going to send FS establishment shills into a frenzy for some bizarre reason.

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Its fascinating to watch.

America is gonna save us.

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Actions are not justifiable due to a self assigned mandate.

If that was the case then it’s ok for Trump to say that he mandated himself to stay in power even if he lost the election or for a far right group to go around shooting minorities because that’s what their supporters believe in.

And of course you think the diaspora should have a vote, you’re part of it.

You reckon SF arent behind it? Thats disappointing if so.

What on earth are you on about?

It’s funny how rattled you are that a political party is pursuing support for its mandate.

They support it but the ads were not taken out by them directly. They were taken out by an overseas grouping aligned with them

Ah that’s hilarious. We’re fundraising and organising logistics for SF but we’re not them.


So if Club Tyrone take out an advertisement does that mean it Tyrone GAA paid for ads?

I am loving how you are exposing yourself as a badly rattled hardline partitionist.

So it wasn’t their idea?


I’m not a partitionist, I’m all for a United Ireland that’s inclusive and doesn’t see any minorities left out.

If they didn’t give the ok to the adverts then it’s perfectly logical, as I originally suggested, that Doherty or McDonald be asked if they support them.

Only a partitionist would get so angry about a party with a mandate for Irish reunification attempting to garner public support for it.

You really need to ask yourself why it makes you so angry.

Most of the political parties in Ireland favour and support a United Ireland.

This is a fact check article that was published 12 months ago.

All Irishmen are American and all Americans are Irish.

SF have been calling for a few years now for the debate around a border poll to commence in earnest. As far back as the Brexit vote anyway and it’s discussed regularly in O6 civic society by the likes of Professor Colin Harvey and others. You even had the likes of Peter Robinson saying unionists need to engage in it and put forward the case for the union. It’s Micheál Martin and those of his ilk (such as others in the DUP), who are trying to set aside the process laid out in the Good Friday Agreement. He seems to think the DUP should have a veto on when or if a referendum should take place and it’s divisive to even plan to discuss it. He seems to placing the rights of unionists on a pedestal but, then again, he’s a scumbag.