A United Ireland

No they donā€™t.

@croppy_boy said most Irish parties favour a United Ireland.

Odd how they want to suppress any talk of it.

It must be how they want to close tax loopholes for the wealthy but never do.

Or tackle the rental market but never do.

Or end corrupt banking practices but never do.


Its hardly the best moment to bring it up right now when NI are likely to get back to normal months before us due to the UK vaccine rollout

It will be a great day when it does happen though

And all of these things are ok in the North where SF are in Govt are they?

Just because they donā€™t think that this is the best time to run a Border poll doesnā€™t mean that theyā€™re trying to prevent it.

The north of the peninsula would consider themselves to have very strong links with Scotland. Portavogie is a very Scottish place, including its architecture and the fact it only got its first pub fairly recently.
The south though where the 3 hurling clubs are is very different, no shortage of pubs in Portaferry. You should get up there for a hurling game sometime, has the best of people and they deserve a bit of support.

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You are ignorant to the political system in the north.

Unionist veto and pursestrings controlled by Westminister.

Youā€™re regurgitating lines straight out of the FFG playbook there and itā€™s clear you have no understanding of what you are talking about.

Are you willing to tell me who you vote for?

I havenā€™t voted for FFG since 2002 if you must know.

Iā€™m perfectly familiar with what Iā€™m talking about.

Iā€™m gonna call bullshit on that one.

Youā€™re one of those ashamed FFG voter who actually encompasses all their cronyism and neo-liberal policies.

You can believe what you want. The last time I voted first preference for FF was in the 2002 General Election when a family friend was running for FF in my then constituency.

Iā€™ve never felt compelled to lie, or rebrand my account, for the sake of a discussion on here.

Who do you vote for?

Depends on the policies offered up in each election, I wouldnā€™t be close minded enough to attach myself to one party when thereā€™s so much at stake when running the country and possible coalitions to take into account.

Normally one of the parties of the left, sometimes an Independent.

Who did you vote for in the last election?

Itā€™s also clear you have no idea what you are talking about on politics in the O6.

Itā€™s 06 not O6.

Iā€™ve said enough about what influences my vote. Iā€™m not going to share the specific ballot i cast with the forum.

Itā€™s the O6.

Occupied Six.

I wouldnā€™t expect a hardline partitionist to understand.

Seems like @croppy_boy doesnā€™t like people probing his bullshit.

We cant even unite two Catholic fellas from Ulster on here.

This isnt going to go well I think.


Iā€™ve responded to you sufficiently.

Now return to your Trumpian tactic of trying to put down all those that donā€™t agree with you schoolyard nicknames and the like. We probably only a few months away from you rebranding a Il Duce.

Heā€™s from Galway if Iā€™m from Ulster :rofl:

That would be an outstanding national anthemā€¦if there has to be a new one thatā€™ll do. The smart move now would be to spread the notion that it was written by a Presbyterian missionary to galway