A United Ireland

@croppy_boy is against the Belfast Agreement

No you havenā€™t.

You have shown the following:

  • Anger at a party who runs on a republican mandate of Irish reunification taking out ads that are aimed at building momentum behind this campaign
  • You claim to want a United Ireland but your claims here are in contradiction with that
  • Shown an ignorance of the political system in the north. You seem to be unaware that the SF are one of the 5 main parties who are in the power sharing executive and have a unionist veto to battle on any progressive policy change
  • Shown an ignorance that pursetrings for Stormont are controlled in Westminister
  • Trot out the usual FFG lines on Irish unity and the political system in the O6
  • Claim not to vote for FFG
  • Will not disclose who you actually vote for

Forget about the harp, this exemplifies usā€¦


Iā€™ve told you that my vote is not married to one particular party on any occasion, I pick from the parties of the left.

The only thing I have done here is argue that the way the SF are going about trying to force a referendum on a United Ireland now is questionable.

This seems to have wound you up no end.

Take a deep breathe and realise that they things you love are as open to the same criticisms that you throw at the things you hate.

I asked you who you voted for in the last election. You would not answer, most likely because it was a FFG candidate.

What is more questionable is how FFG are steadfast in their reluctance to engage in any sort of dialogue or discussion on a United Ireland, you seem to be in agreement with a lot of their policies for a person who does not vote for them. You also like to throw out their illogical soundbytes.

Youā€™re the one who is wound up. I preempted it in the Irish Politics thread this morning. This story was going to send Free State establishment shills like you into overdrive.

You are an ashamed FFG voter, not enough of man to admit it but you can breathe easy once you get to the privacy of the polling booth.

Coal island and Dungannon,Carrickmore the moy etc take them alright

If you must know Michael White of the Green Party got my first preference vote. Iā€™ve actually work close to him and have been able to speak with him on a number of occasions.

I havenā€™t voted FFG since 2002 when I voted for Tony Dempsey of FF in the Wexford Constituency. he was a close family friend.

The way to split Tyrone up would be:

West Tyrone - huge Catholic majority, republican.
South Tyrone - Catholic majority but a sizable protestant minority around Clogher, Fivemiletown, Caledon etc. More moderate nationalist.
East Tyrone - Catholic majority, sizable Protestand minority in Cookstown and Dungannon which are both fairly mixed. Rural areas are hardline Republican areas.
North Tyrone - Catholic majority - more rural and moderate with a decent sized Protestant community/


Did you really or did you just have to google who ran for the Green Party?

Caledon shit hole( thatā€™s a personal viewpoint of it)
Ran across a few cunts there 40 yearā€™s ago

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No, at the time he was working in the same building as me and I used to meet him in the shared canteen.

We had a good chat about how the Greens are slowly building up here and they had campaigners in areas like Ballybofey/Stranorlar where they never did before. In the end their vote in the constituency quadrupled I think.

The flag with the tits is the way to go

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Thatā€™s all great but are we one hundred percent sure that all Catholics are Nationalists and all Protestants are Unionists? Are you taking into account Protestants in Ireland who are in favour of an all Ireland country and Catholics living in Northern Ireland who are quite happy with the benefits of being part of the UK?

Weā€™re 98% sure, yes.

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The Rory McIlroy types

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Rory McIlroy comes from North County Down.

@Locke didnā€™t mention specific areas

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Why do I get a flashing vision of Bertie when I see stats like this.
Allā€™s missing is the great reinforcement line of his ā€œInfactaā€ā€¦

Letā€™s hope that the next Parnell, Yeats (WB, not Ivan), Emmet and/or Tone is in that 2%.

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And itā€™s different depending on different areas.

The likes of Hollywood where McIlroy comes from is quite an affluent area in the outer Belfast suburbs, itā€™s a majority unionist town with a few Castle Catholics.