A United Ireland

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy playing checkers, the rest of us are playing chess.

Yes, I always thought McIlroy was a bit of a cunt and being a Castle Catholic is something to be laughed at but in fairness people are just a product of the environment in which they grow up in, in family, schooling, etc. so I don’t think he deserves to be criticised for his views on British/Irishness as he sometimes is

The pension costs of the bloated NI public service would bankrupt us.

Other than that and a rabid angry mob intent on civil war i foresee no problems.

In fairness he did have an Uncle killed by loyalists in The Troubles but they obviously came from money. Hollywood is probably one of the most expensive areas to buy property in the North.

There was a Catholic girl in my course at Uni that was from the Malone Road. She had the same contempt for nationalists from outside that circle as unionists would.

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‘A United Ireland in our lifetime’ says Leo

Very lazy commentary… Do some research on why NI is so reliant on public service/GB funding.

Shoot that sweet union into me baby!

We’re not mature enough as a nation for this as evidenced by the last twelve months of Covid.

We don’t have the calibre of politician to deliver this in a way that won’t be a shit show.

you are such a cunt of a man, an absolute dullard


not sure if i told you recently but i really like your posting style and your ability to frame an argument


America will Make Ireland Great Again

I heard Varadkar on the News at One earlier. He launched an astonishing attack on Sinn Fein, accused them of being sectarian and said they had no Protestant public representatives. Violet-Anne Wynne, one of their TDs is a Protestant,

The absolute idiot. Varadkar has a ridiculous tendency to shoot from the hip out of nowhere and is most usually completely wrong.

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The Irish govt couldnt get ready for a vaccine roll out despite being given 9 months notice. They’ve had 100 years to prep for this, I doubt it’ll be anymore successful.

V-A is a good person. :clap:

The Union is disappearing before our eyes!



Oh rock on rockall

Is she anti vax?

She’s a head-de-ball.