A United Ireland

Irish Republican Armmmmy

It’s the

take it down from the masts

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There’s a not insubstantial cohort out there who wouldn’t agree with this.
She has accumulated a number of asterisks to her character that don’t reflect your opinion. But you’re entitled to your view.
She’s a charlatan in my mind, political differences aside.


She’s his people

Her pronounciation of the number one puts Brendan Cummins in the ha’penny place

It’d be worth it just for the public sector redundancies.

Oh wait

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The prods in the north are beside themselves about the hames of a vaccine rollout in the free state. The amount of virtue and British pride on show is quite something…the fact that it’s making fuck all difference north or south seems to have escaped them.

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You’ve been fumbling in the greasy till for the last five years on here. Would you not put a united Ireland ahead of your prsi contribution going up a few euro?

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The apparent success of the role out of the vaccinations up north has overshadowed the shit show that is Brexit. If we get back to some bit if “normality” within the next year and the true effects of Brexit become apparent, then and only then will the discussion become relevant. Even at that, the amount of debt that has been accumulated over the last 12 months could shove it back another generation.

If that’s all it was - I don’t see the kind of visionary politician out there who could deliver this in any way that would not be an absolute cluster fuck. It’s a ten or fifteen year plan and all they care about is the next election.

The only way that people up north that are on the fence about a united ireland will come on board is if the HSE is sorted out. It’ll come down to the grey vote NHS vs HSE. Lets be honest the NHS wins hands down


A committee at Stormont were told this week it will take about a decade to clear the waiting list up here, the thing is in a terrible mess. But you are right that it is one of the major stumbling blocks, people from a Unionist background I speak to can’t get their heads around the need to pay to see a GP in the south at all.

They get a lot more no doubt, its not perfect but way better. Do they have private health insurance in Britain? I only here of the extremely wealthy going private over. Losing the NHS was a big part of the Scottish independence vote, the no vote was mainly OAPs iirc

There is private health insurance alright, it would be a standard enough perk with lots of jobs. From what I can tell though its far cheaper than down south, about ÂŁ100 per month for a small family.

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I see an Irish Times article there. Micheál Martin, Taoiseach and leader of Fianna Fáil The Republican Party, is to use his Patrick’s Day virtual meetings with influential Irish American groups to push back on their calls to plan for an Irish Unity referendum. :joy:

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cc @flattythehurdler @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy @TheUlteriorMotive @tallback @Tank @Halfpipe

A brilliant piece.


That, unfortunately, is modern democracy. At some point, some generation is going to have to grasp the nettle. The republic has never been as wealthy, and probably never will be again. If not now, when? If not us, who?
There will never be a better set of circumstances aligned. A very rich Republic in need of industrial space. A British government incompetent and vile in equal measure. A progressive, global thinking young population.
It’s utterly beyond me that we wouldn’t leap at the opportunity. A charismatic political leader would help, but it’s not beyond Ireland to find one.


Charismatic ???

A competent one with a vision and honest would be a start .

