A United Ireland

I reckon Coveney would be the man.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

Itā€™s irresponsible to not at least hold talks and have the starting point of a plan in place should we take a step towards unification.

Thatā€™s what we elect these bastards forā€¦ Instead they take it upon themselves to act as semi dictators.

Harris mate, Coveney is at nothing.

Outstanding piece.

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Nah, ā€œpreparatory meetingsā€ will be dragged out, messed about, boycotted, and used as an excuse to do nothing. We need to shove a border poll down the throats of the politicians asap and force them forward imho.
Leo going would help as it may precipitate a GE.

Who was it who suggested a devolved Belfast government under Dublin rule as a stepping stone. That kind of lateral thinking and compromise is whatā€™s needed.

Iā€™ve done a bit of work in Belfast - we have a business there. Itā€™s a great city and has come on in leaps and bounds but itā€™s a city with as many peacewalls now as at height of the troubles.

If you speak to reasonable Protestants they would tell you the biggest opponents over the years of integrated education was the Catholic Church and not unionists. They say that the unionist community is horribly served by really shite politicians.

Weā€™re a decade away from IMF being here and weā€™re a fragile enough country at best of times with the self serving vote growing and growing each election.

Itā€™s a project beyond the ability or vision of any politician in the current Dail.

These lads canā€™t sort our health service - can they sort the reunification of Ireland.

The people have to make it happen.

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I can see it now. Iā€™ve a letter her from a young unionist boy who thinks unification is a great idea

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Coveney and charismatic are about as far away from each other as possible

The people elect Healy Rae and Shane Ross to sort a local issue.

We need a statesman like Charles J. Haughey to emerge.


Lowry could wheel and deal us to a united Ireland

Be as successful as all previous attempts.

Charlie Flanagan is the man.

I know what youā€™re at

Sometimes you donā€™t need to wave your arms about. He talks and walks softly.

Coveney is a Cork simpleton, heā€™s shown heā€™s not up to the jab.

He has you so rattled your Muldoon accent is breaking out.

That was my Northern Accent.
