A United Ireland

Sweet Lord above. Make sure the servers are fit and healthy @Rocko


Joe Brolly and MLMD the only ones there in favour.

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Dunno. Trimble from the otherside but could be the panel Unionist open to it.

You don’t come across reasonable protestants too much tbh or come to that reasonable catholics in ghettos,you come across ppl fucked about by all sides over the years,
Easy to be reasonable in a leafy middle class area

Andrew Trimble :rofl:

Naomi Long and Andrew Trimble would find a UI less offensive than Champ or varadkar


It will turn into a sf bashing exercise as per usual rendering it useless.

Claire Byrne is presenting - of course it will be useless


Hopefully Brolly goes for Varadkar and Martin unapologetically.


Will they all be in studio.

Doubtful. Probably Varadkar, Martin, ML and possibly Brolly with the rest via Skype or what not.

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Surprised they all agreed to it. Martin will tie himself up in knots trying to explain why he’s against it

It’ll hardly be as divisive as gas v charcoal

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Ah don’t worry.

Claire Bryne will spend 70% of the show talking about the PIRA and a £4m donation left to SF in a will or something or other.

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Martin will say he’s for it but SF have set the process back generations with their carry on. It’s a well rehashed speech Eoghan Harris helped him with, that allows him to seem like he wants it.



This is Joes big audition for the Presidency.

SF should sub in Gerry Adams as a last minute substitution for Mary Lou.


It’ll be an interesting watch.

Got that right