A United Ireland

Ulster and SF say never never never,no more grizzly Adams pls

The DUP absolutely hate his gutsā€¦but theyā€™re that way inclined

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Never, never, never

Leo taking some pounding here

The predictions of the server crashing were spot on it seems.


Gregory Campbell be a great man to have a bottle of whiskey with.

Gregory was good fun there. Itā€™ll be a great boost to current affairs in Ireland when we become united and the Unionists are on our screens every night


This is fucking magnificent

Joe Brolly got his pants pulled there.

Fair to say claire was pulling a Joanne there


Joe got ruptured there. He wonā€™t like that.

And hereā€™s Irelandā€™s greatest unionist, John Bruton.

Joe should come back in and tell Claire to get fucked.


Clare disgusted that Campbell was called racist


Ah. Claire will have no issue with John Britonā€¦or with jamie blatantly threatening loyalist violence

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First Joanne on the Sunday Game lost faith in Joe, now Clare Byrne blocks him from the debate

President elect Joe has RTE terrified

Heā€™s an awful auld rogue


Joe couldnā€™t help himself :sleepy:

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But if Gerry Adams or Mary Lou were called terrorists it would be fair game.

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John Briton in his pomp here.

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That prick Bruton looks shook

Clare letā€™s Bruton talk interrupted