A United Ireland

The average English person would love to be done with NI

The average English person would look at you blankly if you mentioned northern Ireland. Most of them don’t know it exists.

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Loyalism, through the gun or through the scum of the DUP, have veteod any attempt in the country for Nationalist rights. They cannot be allowed to do it anymore. Bombs on the Dublin street is needless scaremongering.

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We could have “God save our gracious taoiseach”
A little bit in it for both sides.

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My issue with Brolly last night was, not that what he said wasn’t true, it was, but that because he should have know it wasn’t the battle in which to die.

He could have, and should have been there to do so much more. But he let RTÉ put him in the corner. He should know better than that. Never give a sucker a break.

I vote for “Everywhere we gooooooooooo” as our National Anthem. Tommy and Hector have it nailed.

Is this because Claire Byrne is from Laois?

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Is she?

I hope you’re right. My point is simply that any loyalist terrorist act in Dublin changes the dynamic very quickly.

I only saw a clip of it on Twitter but he just seemed to go off on one about the DUP rather than talking about a United Ireland. It wasn’t relevant and Claire Byrne had probably no idea what he would end up saying so she was probably within her rights to shut him down.

Changes what dynamic?

Did Thatcher capitulate after the IRA bombed Brighton?

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I am one of Brollys biggest fans here, but I cringed when I heard him go there. There was no need for it. Fuck the DUP. What difference did it make. Go on ahead with the reason you’re there, a United Ireland. But he gave them the chance, and they fucking jumped at it.

It was incredibly disappointing.

Are you seriously arguing it would not make a difference to how people see this and vote?

The last year should show you what fear does to the Irish population.

He spoke about a United Ireland and actually said he isn’t bothered about it as long as there is peace. A view he is entitled to hold.

But he took on the DUP for their failure in leadership and constantly stoking tension rather than diffusing it. He mentioned homophobia and racism also. All fair game considering that 2 minutes earlier Jamie Bryson was telling us that the loyalists were coming for us to no sanction from Byrne.


And what would that say about us as a people if we let ourselves be intimidated by violence? Shur wasn’t that the main mantra by Hume and others throughout the troubles but you think it shouldn’t apply to us in the south?


I am saying that it is essential that this poll goes ahead, once the conditions in the GFA are met. And no amount of supposed violence should change that.

How the vote goes is anyone’s guess but loyalist violence or DUP threats must not be allowed to derail it.

I’ve recently had an English work colleague asking me about Belfast and if they used GBP there and if we use Euro in Dublin.

They don’t have a clue.

The last year shows we don’t handle fear too well.

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You’re an awful bloody fool at times.

Bombs will never defeat us… Only government advisory boards and Brazilian variants can best the Irish.

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