A United Ireland

How so?

The economy of the two countries may not remain as skewed toward a united Ireland (it may become even more starkly skewed)
I think we should grasp the nettle, vote early, and vote often if we have to.

The post I quoted.

When loyalists see they’ll be getting an extra 100euro a week on the dole in the new Ireland they’ll be all in. Just don’t tell em that 100euro will only get them a loaf of bread and a pint of milk.


Thats seems churlish. There was nothing to be gained in going for the DUP’s last night in the manner he did. Joe knows RTÉ and is no fool. All he did was take himself out of the debate that was going on. A very good debate up to that point in fact.

Everyone knows what the fucking DUP and its shower of cunts are. It didnt do anything last night to go through it again.

brolly was well within her rights and CB probably still thinks that S31 still applies so she gleefully cut off the nationalist

the Brits did that in the 70s


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Good luck with that. They are already a pariah state. Fuck em in any case.

Your turn of phrase remains a beacon of joy. :laughing::clap::clap:

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The teachers won’t want to miss the Christmas trip to Newry. They’ll be promoting Ulster unionism in the classroom.


This actually reminds me of a story my godmother told me. She lived in rathmines, and who should move in next door only pat Kenny. He came over to stick his oar in to the neighborhood watch type committee, and when he informed her he worked presenting television shows, she thought he must be Pat’s Hat, and said the kids used watch him.
He was apparently livid.


He’s not saying he would be, he’s saying people might be. But you’re dealing with people who’d be asking their accountant which way to vote.

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This post, in it’s entirety, should be on the leaving cert English syllabus (ordinary level)
It’s an absolute beaut.

Bryson is young, the supposed bracket to be targetted.

Bandage and Rocko are both in the Ra so we’re ok.

Do you reckon he’s typical of all young people in NI?

The tricolour and Amhrán na bhFiann are gone… They have to go. They have no place in a new Ireland.

I think language is something that we can use to create bonds. 80% of Unionists stem from a Gaelic irish background… And the others have probably have a Gaelic irish name somewhere in their bloodline. These are very real and shared origins and heritage… no makey uppy flags and songs or religions that are used to divide us. How many unionists know the origins and meaning of their family name or local placename. These are all shared things that can’t be denied or manipulated. They’re the foundations we should build on.

Ireland’s Call to be played at GAA matches?


Not the first people he’s frightened the shite out of.

I’ve been avoiding RTE for weeks but it sounds like I’ll have to watch this on RTE player. What Brolly said isn’t relevant but it’s factually correct and he’s won over the wokesters like myself so fair play to him.

Micheal Martin is the most pathetic Irishman since Diarmuid MacMorrough.

John Britain is what he is. He was against letting Sinn Fein into the peace process because that would be a surrender to IRA violence but will allow loyalist violence to defeat the will of the people.

@Thomas_Brady as regards Jamie Bryson it would be naive to think that young unionists are that far removed from their parents, or any more removed than we are from the older generations down south. I will say though that I’ve great banter with some unionist girls who come down south and have the craic in Dublin in a way that I don’t think would have happened 20 years ago. These are girls who had relatives killed by the IRA and they’re still unionists (I think) but they let bygones be bygones.