A United Ireland

I knew when I was listening to the news this morning that there would be lads firing abuse on this thread

Iā€™m not naive enough to think that voting for and supporting terrorists will achieve my aims of a United Ireland. As someone who is happy enough with the status quo on the island, this is good for me. Youā€™re the one who should be upset.

Thereā€™s only one person firing abuse. The rest of us stand behind our president. ā€¦ He has safely secured a third term today.

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Terrorists? What terrorists?

The bellyaching and grandstanding from you and your unionist cohorts clearly show it up as a political eventā€¦ If it was merely a ā€˜serviceā€™ then no one would mind anyone politely declining the invite. Youā€™re raging little Mickey saw right through the bullshit and made other plans.

@Tim_Riggins equates the President with the DUP after this incident.

That is really a disgusting comment to make.

Michael D has devoted his public life to campaigning for social justice and inclusion as well as rights for minorities.

The DUP are bigoted, homophobicā€¦. well everyone knows the rest.


We all know thatā€¦ Iā€™m not a huge fan of Michael D (not till today anyway) but he has devoted his life to peace and justice. Tim gets off on this kind of stuff, I wouldnā€™t worry too much about it.

Tim going after Higgins for being like the DUP after upsetting the DUP by not taking part in their triumphalist ceremony.

Tim praising Bruton for weighing in behind the DUP because Higgins would not take part in their triumphalist ceremony.

Square the circle.

Michael D Higgins has spent his life living off the public purse. His comments on the likes of Castro show he has a politicised view of human rights.

His actions with regard to this event underline again how he isnā€™t really fit for this office. A mature head or State would know well that getting angry about his title in a ceremony like this needs to be put to one side.

The truth is that, as the RIC debacle showed, most centre ground nationalists are themselves too immature for a United Ireland.

Michael D is a pompous dose but he is correct here

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You are supporting Michael D Higgins today because he is upset that he was called the President of the Republic of Ireland.

You yourself refuse to call this State by its real name.

Square that circle.

Iā€™m supporting him because he didnā€™t partake in a triumphalist creation of a sectarian statelet that discriminated against Catholics for decades and ran a violent pogrom against it.

Both yourself and John Bruton clearly endorse sectarian discrimination.

I object to partition.

You can mark partition and also criticise it. The name of the event was in no way objectionable. Those getting upset by it are immature.

Seems like a rather contradictory stance.

Itā€™s a triumphalist celebration, if it wasnā€™t the DUP wouldnā€™t be involved.

Hard to disagree. A bad day for nationalism and a good day for unionism, but unfortunately for them, nationalists are too immature to appreciate it.

The first day of World War II was also marked. Not that difficult.

Connie follows some erm, ā€œinterestingā€ people.

You donā€™t seem to understand itā€™s a triumphalist celebration.

Not that much to be proud of in the ā€œCatholic state for a Catholic peopleā€ either, unless one is a fan of internment camps for ā€œfallenā€ women.

Time to accept both were deeply flawed states and move on.

The difference is there is wide institutional acceptance in the 26 counties of its deeply flawed historical nature. This acceptance cuts across the whole spectrum of society and itā€™s accepted at the very top.

Among Unionists, there is very little acceptance of the far greater rotten historical nature of the Northern state. never mind its present.

They justify it based on saving themselves from a bigoted sectarian Rome ruled state. Itā€™s a hard one to row back from given their strong sense of righteousness.