A United Ireland

This bugs me.

Do the Unionists have carte blanche with half assed and disingenuous acts towards inclusion which can’t be called out as that for the danger of being anti unionist and damaging a United Ireland?

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Were any Unionists calling for a ceremony to mark the 100th anniversary of the Belfast pogroms, the most infamous of which occurred on July 10th, 1921? I don’t remember any doing so.

The problem with a “celebration” of the 100th anniversary of the creation of Northern Ireland is that nearly the half the population sees it as a historical catastrophe, a “Nakba” moment.

How can you “celebrate” that? Especially in a manner which is designed to airbrush the historical truths of nearly half its population?


No celebration… Just a simple service to mark partition is all. But non attendance will threaten the foundations of the GFA and will prove historical Unionism was correct in its assertions about the South…

The wider “celebration” and its framing is the really big issue. Everything occurs through that framing.


Drag him, Miggeldy.

Lord Boyneside was on the wireless earlier criticising Twee’s decsion

I must say i respect what Twee has done, i believe respectfully declining is the correct call.
he was deliberately put in a no win position here and what it does is it shifts the focus back on him now as all along from what i could gather the DUP had no interest in progressing north south “bodies”
Its a master stroke by Prodistan really… Twee would be masscacred by the Shinners et al for going ( or would he ? i need to revisit that maybe) and now for not going its giving the DUP boys the moral high ground… he’s been strung up good and proper

will we be inviting those lads to any independence celebrations or have we?

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Lads who call us the Free State need to fall in now to fuck

If Bruton is a unionist that’s one thing, but the media never mentioning that and failing to nail his hands and feet to the wall is disgusting

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Fine Gael have form in undermining the office of President.


Very little free here - a lot more freebies sucking from Betty Windsor’s teat

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President Higgins should really consult his Constitution and familiarise himself with the constitutional limits and constraints of the office that he holds. He’s acted well above his station throughout this whole tawdry episode.

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Unfortunately your opinion on matters of law cant be trusted given how poorly you called the Woulfie and Hogan affairs. Still it’s great that lads like yourself feel free to voice an opinion and we’ll encourage you to keep doing so. Go for it champ.


Fuck them. You can’t dare upset them. Claire Byrne let that cunt Gregory Campbell away with it the night she cut off Joe Brolly.

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Ooooft!!! Valid point but O’Dáiligh was treated very disrespectfully by the Government aside from the Donegan issue. It’s a well known fact that Donegan was half pissed that day in Mullingar and his observations have been sanitised to the more appropriate version we’re fed today.

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That’s all that needs to be said really, apart from making that bruton gobshite swim to england

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Higgins should use him as a paddle board


The Roman Catholic Primate of All Ireland, Archbishop Eamon Martin expressing surprise there at the snub from President Higgins.

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