A United Ireland

Michael D is a proper leader that shit stain Martin could learn a thing or two from him.


Michael D is a liar, he has brought the office into disrepute.

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There’s a man that carries a lot of respect following the usual church line of bending over and getting fucked by unionists … when they’re not bending children over.

I saw a documentary to say that he wasn’t pissed and didn’t use colourful language.

I prefer his other quote as defence minister when questioned whether an arms find was for the IRA.

‘We’ll they weren’t been brought in to shoot ducks!!’

He’ll have to go.

He’s had his snout in the trough his entire life.

He’s a little rat commie sympathizer. His greatest achievement is his autobiographical poem “The ass, an ode to a donkey”.

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President O’Daly resigned for less. This is a full blown constitutional crisis now.

It’s hard to see how he took offence at any of that.

He’s between a rock and a hard place as has been pointed out but his actions now aren’t particularly constructive and have handed unionists an easy win.


The rugby lads rowing in behind John Bruton here.

Miggledy playing to his woke moron base has blown up. Popcorn.

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Why was there a religious ceremony to commemorate what was a political event ?? I speak as someone who is an admirer of ecumenical services


I don’t think he was tbh

It was a solemn reflection. Not a celebration. He hammed it up for easy likes on bookface.

Why then, if he hadn’t used industrial language, did he offer his resignation within days?
Of course he did.

Did he refuse because they offended him?

A proper Head of State like Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has met and shaken hands with SF IRA who murdered her family members. She knows and understands the bigger picture.


The least she could do after her lot carried out centuries of murder on this island…

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Paddy will come across as very backward and insular on the Mainland over this. Just as people were beginning to think, they’d matured as a nation.


This would not have happened under Peter Casey’s watch. Unless it was an invitation to Pavee Point.