A United Ireland

Iā€™ve more wit than to set myself up as a font of knowledge.
But you work away (metaphorically of courseā€¦)

As has been seen in Trump, Brexit, the DUP, Orban, Le Pen, Modi etc.

The dominant ideology in mainstream right-wing politics these days is batshit crazy identity politics

It has been a disaster

The reality is the DUP will not die with any future united Ireland

The so called ā€œcentristsā€ in Ireland canā€™t even unite when there is zero difference between then except what time of day they imagine the other eats their dinner at

There are traffic cones with more wit than you

The loyalists couldnā€™t blow up a box of matches.

The brit army spoon fed them. Armed them, informed them, ensured safe passage, protected them.

If there was a vote and a United Ireland, who would fund them? Arm them? Support them? A few rabble in Govan??

What would they be fighting for? To get back to the union, eh no chance of that! An Independent 2 counties? West of the Bann is green ffs.

The unionists would be cut from the butchers apron and when their politicians get their federal government with their pay cheques, funded by Europe, they would soon learn to live with their new dispensation with the community towing the line.

It would be strange for a while but Martin and Jackie could ensure all was well over a few rounds of golf.

To say the loyalists would start fighting, what would they fight for? To get back as part of the UK?? It would be like an employee being made redundant when a factory closes and then picketing at the locked gates.


Yet you have a blind spot for left wing identity politics which is just as bad and arguably far more dangerous as it has a history of ending up in totalitarianism. Left wing extremism is just as bad as right wing extremism.

Keeping the conversation locally, centrist parties are responsible for the hugely significant economic gains in Ireland over the past three decades.

So youā€™re literally comparing campaigning for trans rights and gay rights, feminism and anti-racism to actual fascism.

Take your meds, you fucking fruit loop.

Repartition would be a very tangible goal for them to fight for and ethnic cleansing would be a key part of that

You donā€™t need guns to ethnically cleanse people out of areas, you just needs mobs and petrol bombs etc.

Who is to say the British Army wouldnā€™t spoonfeed them again

There are no shortage of fascist groups internationally to whom a Loyalist ā€œcauseā€ would be attractive

Itā€™s not difficult to get guns and itā€™s not difficult to radicalise young people

And there are other means to kill or maim people for those who do not have guns if they are sufficiently radicalised

Remember @anon7035031 is very strident in his notion that people will kill people without guns if they really want to

This is a worst case scenario but it is far from out of the question

There are lads here who are living in la la land whistling away with their fingers in their ears thinking things can never change for the worse

Personally I donā€™t believe it is a huge stretch to imagine that the Nƍ loyalists would carry on like the pieds noir in Algeria and fuck the place up for 3 or 4 generations

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No, Iā€™m taking about the deluded idea that socialism can work better than capitalism and government can run things better than the private sector.

As for social issues, same sex marriage and abortion rights were legalized in Ireland by a right wing government.

The prods up there are a special breed, weā€™ll never be rid. The EU might help us out if we take back the North.

Thereā€™s a big frustration with many Loyalist youths that they are living in an ā€œunheroic ageā€

Education levels are poor, unemployment is higher than in Catholic areas, these are the tell tale signs that there is potential for trouble

Sectarian hatred bubbles below the surface and we see its manifestations around the marching season, particularly in the sort of stuff that goes onto bonfires

That KAT stuff is not harmless, itā€™s a potential ā€œmanifestoā€ should the political situation go tits up

There is a long history over centuries of ā€œUlster will fight and Ulster will be rightā€

I donā€™t know why anybody would think that the ghosts of that history would not come back, particularly if they feel their very existence as a people is about to end, as many will if the realistic prospect of a united Ireland comes into view

They draw on their own history like Republicans drew on theirs - every Republican armed campaign has tapped into its own history - 1969/1970 drawing on 1916-1922 etc. which drew on 1798

That isnā€™t identity politics, itā€™s politics

Opposition to same sex marriage and abortion are central tenets of the new crypto-fascist white identity politics obsessed right, as exhibited by the Republican party in the US

Some bun worry this has turned out to be. Pig ignorance, hysteria and imagination all perfectly encapsulated in an imaginary box of tic tacs.
The notion of one nation derailed by a few steroid pumped celebrity low level drug barons.
Say what you like about gregory and arlene but at least they arenā€™t cowering at the thought of the kinahans and the hutches.

A majority of Republicans and a significant majority of Americans support same sex marriage and reasonable abortion rights.

You have a delusional fear of white people.

Please explain why the Republican party continually erects barriers to same sex marriage and abortion rights

You donā€™t even admit this stuff happens

Neither do you admit white terrorism is a threat, just like the Trump regime you adore, who have downgraded it as a threat

Your racist, white supremacist rhetoric is never far away from the surface here

Nobody could have predicted this thread would descend into this rubbish


Every thread @anon7035031 enters descends into it, because heā€™s a fucking racist headcase wih nothing to say other than the bigoted rhetoric he cogs off far right media in the US

Okay, lads.

Into bed @anon32894817, school in the morning.
Is @anon7035031 not on his holidays?

Presbyteran Ulstermen were the first republicans on this Islandā€¦ Unionists originally voted against the Union. The Pope gave King Billy prrmission to invade Ireland.

They dont know what their history is, it changes to suit their hate filled waysā€¦ What they have is a tradition of hatred and superiority that comes with a people who have conqured others. Your over all point is fair, but these fucks should not be pandered toā€¦ They should be made feel included and given a voice but their hatred should not dictate how we move forwardā€¦ The elements you are talking about are lsrgely confined to Belfast, the gig is almost up in other parts of the north as most people are guided by prosperity, not flegs.


Do you get scared of your whiteness when you look in the mirror?

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