A United Ireland

They don’t. Republicans in some states do.
Most Republicans support same sex marriage.

There is a lot of pushback to effectively removing all restrictions on abortion, pushed by left wing extremists. A lot of Democrats are also opposed to zero restrictions on abortion.


And unlike you, I don’t get scared by people having a different skin colour to myself

Although I might make an exception for your beetroot red facial complexion

Supping pints here…


You’ve literally contradicted yourself in one line there

They all fought for a United Ireland, an actual goal.

What would loyalists fight for?

An independent 2 counties is unsustainable even for a uneducated young loyalist hanging around Connswater Shopping Centre.

There could be, probably would be initial disturbances but the politicians and the public would know the game is up. This would fizzle out as Ireland embrace their northern brothers.

9/11 halted any last bit of US support for armed action from Irish Republicans.

If you think loyalists is garner support from anywhere is ridiculous. They’d be on their own and fucked, and they know it.


I have quite dark complexion, being 100% Celt and not an Anglo Saxon like you.

Nope, you still don’t understand US politics.

Great pints of Guinness.

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Where there’s a nationalist majority, a progressive tolerant nationalist mayor, good housing, plenty of jobs, good schools etc. The dup have been brought to heel by the ulster farmer’s union, the federation of small businesses, invest ni etc, all within the last few days. Ultimately they’ll follow the cash, always have.


The warmonger @Sidney taking a hell of a beating here.

Is there lads firing arrows inside?

No, twas quiet enough, a small crowd watching the testimonial.

NI is currently part of the UK

They don’t have to fight for a change in its status, only to maintain it, or at least to achieve repartition which would probably stretch from the Bann and Coleraine in the north to Portadown and Banbridge in the south across to the Mournes and the Ards peninsula

That’s a lot easier than fighting for a change in status

Oh and it’s very much an actual goal - if repartion was achieved, that’s it forever

Once you have “initial disturbances”, it’s hard to put the genie back in the bottle, that’s how it happened in 1969 and 1919

That’s the way these things work

Countries and territories of all shapes and sizes exist, and plenty a lot smaller than a repartitioned NI would be

There would be nothing inherently unsustainable about a repartitioned Ulster - the six counties already runs a massive deficit and is propped up by the Brits, ie. it sustains - it would be exactly the same for a repartioned entity

All they need to do is cause enough trouble down the line to prevent the holding of a border poll, and repartition would start coming into view

It’s not hard to envisage

The Celts never came to Ireland

You’re as Anglo Saxon as they come

Last night you were fantasising about England winning the World Cup with Roy Keane playing for them


There’s no backbone to loyalism anymore. Jamie Bryson is the 21st century Ian Paisley.

Paisley was a hate filled bigot but he was no simpleton. Jamie Bryson doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together, loyalism is utterly fucked, utterly defeated, too stupid and lazy to be able to do anything for itself. If you want to cut the head off loyalism, blow up a few Greggs outlets.


You advocate for the use of nuclear weapons, mate and called for the ethnic cleansing of the entirety of Palestine, as well you being a raving anti-semite who wants to kill all Jews

Which very much makes you the imperialist warmonger

Imperialism is your very DNA

God help him. He seems to have some desperate need to establish himself as knowledgeable on all matters northern. Following the greenvale tragedy he proudly proclaimed intimate knowledge of Cookstown, it’s nightlife etc- even going so far as to inform us that young people took buses get there: Even from OUTSIDE the county.
The fact that they could easily have walked it from outside the county didn’t seem to bother him one bit. One man’s tragedy is another man’s opportunity I suppose.
This evening I’ve been informed that the “two communities” live separately. I suppose it’s something he heard fintan dialling in for some prime time US tv slot. The kid’s an utterly clueless godhelpus sort. He’s a decent pun in him though. I’ll say that for him.
And then you’ve lads taking him seriously, lads with the advantage of age, intelligence and experience of the world. It’s disappointing to say the least.
But what do I know, I suppose I’d need to fire a box of Tic-Tacs around me to really gain some insight


If there is a majority for a UI the loyalists would have to fight to change status, notwithstanding the fact the brits would wipe their hands of it and delighted Ireland is united.

Again, you miss the point. The loyalist will have no support for any sort of campaign unlike external support for a United Ireland which funded and assisted the campaigns throughout the years.

The loyalists were ran, funded, armed supported by the brits. In the event of a UI the brits walk away. The loyalists will have no support and no assistance.

Jackie and Martin will play golf. Europe will fund the reunification, and whoever is running the DUP will line their pockets and settle the plantations.

Things don’t work like that

The Brits thought they did when they tried to “kill home rule with kindness” in the 19th century

The Ulster Farmers’ Union etc. don’t carry much weight in urban Loyalist areas of Belfast, Portadown or Coleraine

Loyalists are highly unlikely to look at the situation in the south and think a southern government will improve their lot as regrds housing and healthcare etc.

Their identity and existence as a people is what matters

If economics matter so much, why did the Brits vote for Brexit, and why does there continue to be such support for it, and growing support for no deal, which is an economic catastrophe

Lads know fuck all of the troubles. @Sidney you reminded me of Vincent o tool or something.