A United Ireland

Impeach Higgins, get in Casey and Big Phil as a joint enterprise

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That seemed to be one of the arguments put forward by him (or his people) today - that they hadn’t called him the correct title and that the tone of the event was wrong :man_shrugging:

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It’s very unseemly. The President mouthing off at the First Minister of Northern Ireland and his DUP party and also having a cut at a distinguished and highly respected former Prime Minister, John Bruton. The President is supposed to be above politics. He’s completely lost it and his position is looking more and more untenable.


That article seems to be factually incorrect

The Aras needs to be shelled to show him who he works for

John Bruton and RTE reporters should be tarred and feathered for supporting the puppet regime of Notthern Ireland. Hopefully when Sinn Fein come to power in the next elections, they give all IRA volunteers full military pensions.


Never happen , my grandad didn’t get his until near dead and buried, went with the right side , anti stater

He has to go.

I only read Mickey’s comments.

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I wonder why Sinn Fein weren’t invited?

You’ve heard the one about the loyalist and the Republican who arrived at the pearly gates. Peter says “no way yous lads are getting in here. Sure yous lads murdered people so yous did”. The loyalist says “aye, but it was for god and ulster so it was”, so Peter says “aye alright so, in you go…but not you paddy, no effin way you’re coming in here”.
Paddy says “I’m nat lookin’ in so I’m nat, yous bastards have five minutes to get out”


And who gives a fuck what the racists on “the Mainland” think … I’m guessing you don’t mean the real mainland as in Europe.

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Lay off the booze pal, you’re getting increasingly unhinged.

says the boyo who fought for Oireland all the way from Amerikay! You couldn’t make it up - except @Tierneevin1979 did.

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As I said you should be thanking me for the little bit of freedom you enjoy. But I suspect you’re one of those castle Catholics who believes the IRA achieved nothing and the Brits were going to cave to the SDLP.

Ah stop! I’ve already told you - you’ve given me enough entertainment to do me for at least a month. Seriously, Martin, put the bottle away now and go to bed.

It’s 2PM, which you would know if you had a brain.

Thorough vindication for our much loved President Higgins.


Phew. For a while I thought Michael D was going to be relying on the views of a lecturer from WIT.