A United Ireland

Oh I do know! Well to be fair I thought it was 3 or 4 pm. You’re at it very early. You’ll be heading down to your barstool to regale your fellow rastoolers with your exploits. Stay at home Martin and go to bed.

Martin McGuinness ?

I’m just heading out to go to the beach for a long weekend actually. Life is tough.
Enjoy your weekend in the rain.

Galvin. McGuinness travelled to Belfast from Derry. @Tierneevin1979 travelled all the way from Amerikay to liberate us Northern fenians.

The real Lazarus.

Sure someone had to help you poor craters.

You’ll never know how grateful I am, Martin.

You can buy me a pint sometime, le cunamh de.

Dreaming again mate. There is no god, so look for no help there.

the man has gone a ferocious size



Is that real? Fucking hell

Have ye good beaches in Oakland?

Taxi for @ChairmanDan

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Sadly no, have to head south.

Ah you’re an atheist. Everything makes sense now.

Monterey / Santa Cruz?

Exactly. Moss Landing actually which is between the two.

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Briefly drove along that route many moons ago… Regretted that I didn’t do a longer trip and stop more along the way and enjoy the area more…

It’s nice this time of the year, can be freezing in summer. Highway 1 all the way down the coast is a lovely drive. Santa Cruz is a bit of a kip bit of course the place every visitor wants to go to.

Ah good. I’ve given you a label to stick on me. So you can add all the other ones to fit your presumptions.