A United Ireland

That’s like a January 2020 vaccination week in Eire. Pathetic.

Jimmy Nesbitt is a wanker and universally hated.

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I’m no Jimmy, I’m a Tim.

Really? I always liked the guy.

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Unionists are loving the fact this love in wasn’t as big of a love in as expected.

But for them, I would have had no idea that it was being held.

Big time. They have been obsessed since last week over something they’ve dismissed at the same time, especially that poisonous dwarf Bryson.

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Trevor Sinclair I’d in the RA



Excellent point by Kielty.

Murder apologists who claim they are in favour of a UI like @Halfpipe and Joe Brolly will of course dismiss. They that people have moved on but also that Up the Ra is a sign of a more educated populace.

weird he didnt bring up leinster rogbee

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Why would he bring that up? He brought the point up in general. It’s a societal problem now that is damaging the efforts for a UI.

they are re offenders, the ladies have learned their lesson, the rogbee boys havent yet

Surely the best way for you to spin the general lack of reaction to Leinster singing and playing “Up the Ra” compare to the Ireland women’s team is that it demonstrates there is far more genuine interest in women’s association football than men’s rugby in Irish society.

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Are you admitting it’s a problem?

Surely that’s a given?

TFKs yellow pack version of Neil Francis back to display his idiocy again. I agree in large part with what my fellow Down man says there, where I disagree is I don’t think id let what the NI women’s team sing in their dressingroom impact my voting intentions. The fact the NI team are captained by a girl from West Belfast shows that such displays of ignorance are unlikely anyway compared to what we have come to expect from South of the border.
For what it’s worth Jack Kielty was known as a true gentleman in these parts who was killed for being a Catholic who stood up to loyalist paramilitaries. It is no surprise that his son can speak so eloquently on matters. One of the UDR men convicted of his killing was pointed out to me locally a few years back, his existence was every bit as miserable as his sort deserved.