A United Ireland

It’s a very valid point.

Us Free Staters need to start thinking completely different about what a UI actually means. There will have to be a lot of compromise and doing say with. Most staters aren’t mature enough on this front.

For me, the question isn’t “will the North join the Republic?” but “what does joining the 32 counties look like?” It’s from there you open the dialog as to what a new parliament looks like, where does it sit, what are the members called, what way are parliamentarians elected (first past the post or PR). But all about compromise.

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That’ll be a couple of handy likes for you. Malarkey style weird comparisons ahoy.

You’ve previously stated that the young are more educated on the Troubles, hence why the PIRA campaign has swung from unacceptable to acceptable in the eyes on young nationalists. In your world, they have read about Bloody Sunday and the Inquiries into same, so now see the PIRA differently. You of course completely ignore that the young should also be more aware of things like the Disappeared. This is an effort by you to put an intellectual angle on the whole thing, you being mates with a murder gang more acceptable.

Similarly you try the angle of claiming that the North is loads better and sprinkle the word biggot in as a defensive mechanism when called on it (I see you have a yarn about someone from West Belfast now). On the one hand the youth are progressive and are moving on, on the other the increasing acceptance of the PIRA campaign is fine because of “education”. All of this is a deft act of deflection from the reality that North remains a sectarian carve up, which suits the main protagonists down to the ground.

The truth is that it is the IRAoke that the likes of yourself and Joe Brolly say isn’t a big problem that has led to the PIRA campaign becoming more acceptable, not education. This is the Toxic Republicanism to the Toxic Loyalism in the Punch and Judy show up there.

For the PULers, nothing will make a 32 county Ireland appealing to them unless it is 32 counties as part of Britain/GB/UK etc.

So much text and I don’t think you had a single coherent point in there. Considering you managed to confuse yourself on whether you had or had not compiled a list over the weekend, I suggest it best you leave complex issues like this for the grown ups.

Not going to happen.

You can start off with the excellent quote from MLMD on the need to examine our flag and anthem.

Those are just words though, the reality is different. The 25 years of PSF in government has been used to solely normalise the Troubles and bring that into line with “mainstream” southern opinion on the Easter Rising and the WoI. The south is becoming more entrenched in regressive narratives and this is moving forward now to the Troubles.

This only works from a UI perspective in the scenario or a 50+1 vote. Again, the proof is in the pudding with the Census and recent Polls. That’s not happening.

Nationalists north and south need to look inward at this, but that’s not the way it’s going. It’s moving towards PSF getting 35% in the South and waving their tricolours around for 15 mins.

Again, you’re the one who stated with confidence here that the youth are changing their opinion on the PIRA because of various inquiries into the likes of Bloody Sunday.

This is you trying to spin an intellectual angle to the reality that you are admitted pal and supporter of murdering scumbags. That’s your character, not mine.

eh?? How would you convince Jamie Bryson et al to join a 32 county Ireland? The cunt is a bigot. Let’s imagine a minority % of PULers weren’t happy with it. How do you manage that lot?

I think we’d have to become some sort of a Federal state, perhaps let each county or province govern on a council level. But all feeding into a federal government that the island votes for. You’d have to look at the flag too. Can’t see this new country being part of the Commonwealth, being in the EU would be much more appealing.

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Apologies, it was the simple minded lad I meant to respond to there.

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Would Donegal and Cavan be happy with that or prerfer Dublin rule? I suppose some kind of federal arrangement might not be bad for the country as a whole. I am sure those in Mayo would like to be governed by a Connacht regional govt!

Looking at the standard of Federale’s available here in Connacht to elect, the people of Galway might have second thoughts on that


Not just the young

I don’t know what you are saying about me being an admitted pal. Regarding being a supporter of murdering scumbags I’m not one of them either but your views on me are entirely irrelevant to me so I am happy for you to carry on as you wish. Jack Kielty was reported in one of the sectarian newspapers here as being an IRA suspect despite it being completely false, but its the type of thing bigots do I suppose.

A penny for Fulvio’s thoughts on how we could make the Unionists feel welcome in a United Ireland.

There’s loads of ways to accommodate both parts of the island on that front… You’ve two parliaments that report into a federal one if you so wish it.

You can not convince Jamie Brysons sort, he is just a bigot as you say. You can engage with them but with low expectations. However in no way should he be viewed as representative of any significant group, when he ran for election he got 167 votes. Nor should he and the UVF be allowed to dictate to the rest of us how the country is run.

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The symbol for Ireland was always the harp… Make it the flag and be done with it.


Youre too emotionally invested anti SFism that all you see is the negative. Don’t underestimate the average person… They’ll drive change, no SF or any party. They’ll only latch on to change for their own benefit.

You need to believe in humanity Tim. And you need to be the change…

They would still be part of Ireland or the FRI (Federal Republic of Ireland) or whatever we call ourselves and would still have direct rule from where the Government would site (something tells me it will not be in Dublin, maybe Athlone cold become our Adelade). I was suggesting like the way we have county councils, we have provincial councils that would look after the day to day running of the area.

On a navy background. I agree with you on this.