A United Ireland

But it is part and parcel of the game played.

IRAoke is “just a bit of craic” but what it leads to is always the same kind of discussions when people get annoyed about it.

“The Provos were the same as the Old IRA”

That has been the narrative for the last 25 years, which has gained momentum in the last 10 years.

It isn’t the “cause” that meant the Provos were rejected by most Nationalists for decades. It was the events and the consistency of them and how pointless they clearly became.

The trick for PSF has been to minimise events, “people have moved on”, but to commemorate the broader campaign. Events are fine to bring up when they suit PSF’s narratives, like individual British atrocities, but it’s dragging up the past when it is them. This has been highly effective.

Finally we make progress, congratulations. As this is the very point you have been arguing against, and me making it has been enough for you to call me a supporter of murdering scumbags, il not be wasting any more time on it.
Lesson 2 will be what is a list, in an effort to address your confusion on that matter. .

Tim, it’s bigot. You bandy the word about so much you should at least learn to spell it.

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You couldn’t make it up


You sicken me. There will be a UI, it will be a difficult process but engaging with the unionists will be difficult and a long process but its the likes of you that will be even more difficult to deal with.

This will keep the mouth breathers happy for a bit even if the numbers tell otherwise.

You sicken me. Reunification of germany was a very tough ask for west Germany but it had to be dpne. Same as UI. Whats your problem with it Mr Bruton?

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Huh? It’s not happening because of SF, not me.

No surprise here.

A growing “middle ground” who have not been convinced on a United Ireland. Provisional Sinn Féin continuing to fail on their supposed number 1 goal but excuses will continue to be made by their fluffers.

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Surely ffg share sinn fein’s desire to see a united ireland . Maybe they need to try harder?

All parties in the South support a United Ireland as a separate Republic. FF and FG have done a lot to achieve that- Provisional SF are an active hinderance.

Ye mad eejit


The Brits have zero interest in them and want rid.


I saw her speak in Belfast last month.

She was embarrassing.

Doug Beattie seems a reasonable unionist.

The Alliance believe GFA should be renegotiated to remove the block Republicans and Unionists have and to make it a super majority as the way it is now the Alliance vote counts for less

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The issue has never been the Brits.

Half of them wanted rid 100 years ago and the rest wanted them gone well before Major made the Downing Street Declaration in the early 90s.

“I don’t know if I can be any clearer than this”

Ah, you could probably be a little clearer


England should leave the UK and leave them all at it.