A United Ireland

An honest appraisal of her own capabilities in fairness.




I just googled ā€˜sasanach amach, sĆ­ochĆ”in isteachā€™ and got zero hits.

Used be a sticker on every sign post locally when I was a teen.

Looks like censorshipā€¦ā€¦
Or just out of fashion?

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what would the social and economic impact of a United Ireland be?

Iā€™m afraid youā€™ve reached this weekā€™s quota for bot interactions

I didnā€™t ask you a question this week

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Iā€™m afraid youā€™ve reached this weekā€™s quota for bot interactions


what would the social and economic impact of a United Ireland be?

Iā€™m afraid youā€™ve reached this weekā€™s quota for bot interactions

@Ceist what would the social and economic impact of a United Ireland be?

Iā€™m afraid youā€™ve reached this weekā€™s quota for bot interactions

@Ceist what would the social and economic impact of a United Ireland be

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The social and economic impact of a United Ireland could be significant and would likely depend on various factors such as the terms of the unification, the current economic and social situation in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and the attitudes of the people in both regions towards the idea of a united country.

Some potential benefits of a United Ireland could include greater political stability, increased trade and economic growth, and a stronger sense of national identity. However, there could also be challenges such as managing the transition process, addressing cultural and social differences between the two regions, and dealing with potential resistance from those who may not support a united country. Ultimately, the social and economic impact of a United Ireland would be complex and difficult to predict without more information on the specific circumstances of the unification.


Iā€™ve said this for a long time and the various Shinner excuse makers here deflect.

They have completely fucked up an incredible demographic advantage. The only reason this isnā€™t discussed is because they have their small hit largely irrelevant victories (largest nationalist party in the North, getting a MEP in the south, getting into coalition position in the south, getting First Minister etc).

Historians will look back at this and recognise what an almighty fuck up they committed. They needed to exit the pitch in 1998 and come up with a new political vehicle that wouldnā€™t have offended unionists. They didnā€™t need to be running down the South that went from strength to strength.

All their political project has d been about is getting pensions for them and justifying their campaign.

I see many Pale types on Twitter putting great stock in an analysis of the monetary cost of a United Ireland by ESRI ā€˜guruā€™ John Fitzgerald, the man who famously claimed everything was A-OK prior to the 2008 recession.


The phoenix is alwats laying into him for his analysis of climate change too

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We dont have to worry about the cost of a united ireland because it wont happen in our life timeā€¦comparing the unification of Germany in 1989 is not a good example because both sides wanted reunification to happen.and where is is a will there is a way.unionists and most protestants dont want it to happen.
even if there is a vote and it passes it would lead to riotsā€¦we cant bring the unionists and there is roughly 1 million of them kicking and screaming into a united ireland.
I would love it to happen we would need a new flag and a new anthem etcā€¦Ireland would be completely different but so be it losing the 6 six counties/partition was the worst thing to ever happen on this island.