A United Ireland

Be great to get a few Unionists into the DĂĄil.

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Ireland will be completely different regardless

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In a united Ireland our government buildings might have to be stormount :sweat_smile:

If that’s how it’s to be that’s how it’s to be

What’s wrong with that? It’s still on the island of Ireland


We’d have to do some redecorating, but no bother. I know a man.

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We already have plenty of Torys,they’re called FG.



For all the things he could have attacked Fitzgerald on, that’s a pretty shit effort that reflects badly on Brolly. “Your father said X so your report is wrong” is a pretty shit argument.


So a unified Ireland only works one way eh?

Some very Brexity reactions from the usual suspects.

It will end up being a bit more focused than the Brexit vote because whether Brolly likes it or not, there will have to be an arrangement in advance.

If lads don’t think that won’t mean a solidarity tax (like is still in Germany) at the very least, they’re delusional. What impact that happens on any vote is to be considered.

There’ll have to be a hape of reparation payments and grants to get things really ticking over up here. Sheds, concrete lanes, outdoor jacuzzis, bouncy castles for the prods…that sort of thing.


Could we give them cash for ash?

Bases on previous experience I’d say you can

Would be a great bail out for the UK to lose this cost. I’d say would be on of London’s greatest triumphs of a generation to get it done

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Prods love bouncing

Can anyone on here confirm this to be true? @dancarter?

His track record ain’t great….

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It’ll be a HK type of settlement
99 years etc
Hopefully by then the dinosaur DUP will be consigned to history
Horrible history

Hopefully the Chinese over the UK then don’t decide they need it back