A United Ireland

I expect it to happen in my lifetime. It makes more and more sense, the demographics are moving that way, so are the politics.

I (probably blithely) think the costs are way overstated. All of the costs would be a political deal anyway. Pensions etc would continue to be for the UK. Integrating the public service would be done over time, not too big a worry. I expect weā€™d get bags of EU money for it. And then the NI economy is a drain because itā€™s such a backwater stuck to the arse of Britain. Once it rejoined Ireland investment would rocket and it would quickly improve.

The politely deal to accommodate the unionists is the hard part. And itā€™s nonsense when you think about it because it will be a constituency way outsized by the number of immigrants in Ireland, but they donā€™t get special treatment. But weā€™ll have to live with that.

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How much is the free free state state pension?

Being trolled by RDE

Imagine telling some auld fella from Limerick or Tipp that the national anthem is now Irelandā€™s Call or equivalent?

Thereā€™ll be uproar.

Imagine telling some auld fella from Limerick or Tipp he canā€™t smoke in a pub?

Thereā€™ll be uproar.

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What the litle englanders donā€™t realise is that the vast majority of other countries will be all for unification and weā€™ll get help from plenty of places.
Not least the EU - originally a peace project, 'member - this would be a proper feather in the cap especially after the tans behaviour over the last few years.
The septics will pile in too - Irish names all over both sides of the divide over there - weā€™ll get a few billion out of them anyway.

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Thatā€™s is exactly. Iā€™d say the Americans would manage to mobilise a shit load of investment too. NI is only a drain because itā€™s attached to Britain.

The UK wonā€™t be paying for NI public sector salaries to be brought up to Irish levels.

Fair enough if you have a plan for this, but this is Ā£350m on the side of a bus stuff.

Would only come in over a period of time. Seems manageable.

How do you think Nordies will react to those in the south being easily able to get mortgages up there with cheaper housing?

Itā€™s a several decade long process, the same reason why Western Germans are still paying for unification.

Sorry I donā€™t understand your first point. Are you saying people are going to move north and buy all the houses?

To the second, I know the UK is a kip but it isnā€™t fucking east Germany.

I think the distortions in salary levels that has grown will be an issue.

It is very challenging now to get a cross border mortgage since Brexit.

With pay differentials as they are and promised continued improvements in infrastructure cross border, the ability to work cross border is more and more attractive. A lot of people already do it.

Why would a primary school teacher in Newry bother teaching up there?

Very possible, a silent enough thing that was going on pre Brexit but not as much now.

The big difference in the last decade is the divergence in salary levels. And that you have improved infrastructure.

This isnā€™t insurmountable but these are practical points and youā€™re kidding yourself if you donā€™t think some people would lose out in short term. Same way that for years the NHS card was thrown out there, although that is quickly going away.

Well duh itā€™s changing country.

And those practical considerations come more into focus during a campaign.

This isnā€™t Brexit, although quite a few would prefer to be campaigned like that.

Thereā€™s no shortage of money for fuck sake.

Bring the mad bastards into the fray and we can ruin their health service and inflate their house prices. Then theyā€™ll know what it means to be rich


There isnā€™t a handful on TFK would accept it not to mind the auld fellas in tipp

Completely. Brolly has quite the nasty streak in him hidden beneath the made up anecdotes and oh so witty craic.

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The chip on brollys shoulder

Kwasi Doherty will make the numbers add up