A United Ireland

I work with plenty of people who are employed on this side of the border but who are living in various parts of Armagh or Down. The lad I share an office with lives in Belfast. There’s loads of people up and down every day.

There’s lecturer’s in Dundalk who cycle over the border to get to work.

A few. Most drive or get the train.

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Brolly will be the ideal President for a united Ireland

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There is yeah, it’s still quite small though vs. what it could be.

Shouldn’t even be discussing it as we shouldn’t have sold the 6 counties in the first place,
Bloody Collins and the rest of the shauneens condemned the nationalist ppl to hell for generations

You don’t win All Ireland’s and Ulster titles without a bit of nastiness

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Perhaps somebody can come up with something but I don’t recall Brolly being involved in any nasty incidents in his playing career. In my recollection he was as gentlemanly a player as they come.

Out of the Down, Donegal and Derry teams that won All-Irelands from 1991 to 1994, I’d say you could count the amount of nasty players on a few fingers.

Plenty of tough boys there, but those players and teams always concentrated on playing their football rather than getting involved in bullshit.


Having played in Ulster I can certainly vouch that it’s a while different animal

Imagine telling some auld fella from Armagh or Tryrone that there wouldn’t be a United or Shared Ireland because some auld fellas in Tipperary don’t want to make the smallest of compromises to make it happen.


So after a much flawed report by a son of a former FG leader and Taoiseach on the cost of a United Ireland, the Indo report only 12% would be willing to pay ‘significant’ higher taxes to pay for it.

Apart from the interesting use of significant, are we looking at the start of a campaign against higher taxes for a United Ireland which Sinn Fein will be pushing for, once in Government….so DONT VOTE FOR SINN FEIN.

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I didn’t pick up the Indo from my parents kitchen table because I’m an orphan.

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It’s alright mate, just stick €350m a week on the side of a bus as a campaign slogan.

Funniest that so many “prepare for unity” types don’t want to actually prepare for it.

The Brits are secretly dying to get rid of it, but cannot never say it publicly, there going to be some amount of foreign money from the EU and the States to make this work

I was listening to our Teesh-to-be on Radio 1 and Colm Ó Mungbean or whoever was asking him about a United Ireland and I was thinking to myself we need a new term for it, since even the phrase “United Ireland” would be like a green rag to a Unionist. But it seems we already have it, a Shared Ireland. I’d not heard this slogan before, it’s perfect.

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The Brits will literally pay us to take it off their hands.

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Sorry? Are you for real? Ireland’s Future???

I’m sure you have heard of Colm Harvey?

Sinn Fein have more friends on Capital Hill than FF/FG and every other party in Ireland put together!

You probably think that Brendan Boyle is the only US politician’s ear they have?

SF want a United Ireland. That’s their ultimate goal. Keeping the economy going, housing our kids, making life better will be the off shoots.

“Flawed report” - and then you cite a Human Rights professor and start blabbering on about the U.S. Congress. Some babble there about children again.

PSF’s secondary goal is a United Ireland. If it was their main one they’d have left the pitch 25 years ago. Instead their toxicity has hung around.

I think it’s gas that one report that cites potential costs is poo poo’d straight away by a certain set. Hopefully any campaign is led by people with a bit more brain power than that.