Abortion Referendum Thread

I don’t take issue with anyone voting Yes for the right reasons. I’m sick and tired of the absolutists on both sides at this stage and the lack of political leadership in calling this referendum. I’ve largely tuned out for the last few weeks and avoided tv/radio debates and newspaper commentary on it.

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Maybe try some of this medicine yourself. The points you are making are not coherent.

If you cared about women’s welfare or rape victims you wouldn’t want them shunted on a Ryanair flight to terminate their crisis pregnancies.

This is what’s on the horizon, people getting bonuses to kill babies

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I don’t want that?

Heard a clip on newstalk last week where a woman went into an aussie clinic to witness the procedure. The doc had to send the fluid removed post abortion away for analysis to prove there was a pregnancy, as there had been a spate of patients told they were pregnant then offered abortions when there was no evidence for it at all.

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It’s gas, if you go onto any online discussion about this referendum, the go to tactic of No-supporting posters is almost always something like this - refuse to answer questions, throw in any red herring or lie you can think of, feign imagined victimhood, claim you’re being “bullied”, even though you dish out the insults by the barrelful.

It’s like there’s a massive online laboratory churning out clones on an industrial scale.

The tactics of the bot are colonising actual human minds, so much so that they might as well be bots themselves.

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Just been asked to help tallying votes to make sure all is above board on Saturday. I’ll be wearing my full Liverpool kit while doing so, keep an eye out for me on RTE.


I have no doubt there will a Legitimate, Fair Count (LFC) under your watch.

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You know what Geoff? When you’re not lying to the forum you’re not a bad bloke…

Under the current Irish constitution (i.e. with the 8th amendment) it is not possible to legislate for these “hard cases” and the No side has not produced any alternative wording to my knowledge with most lawyers suggesting it would be near impossible to do so and that the constitution is not he correct place for it anyway. To be honest, in my opinion the No side have been hugely disingenuous by suggesting this kind of alternative now that their position seems to be sinking when it’s clear they’d fight tooth and nail against it too.

On that basis, It sounds like you should vote to repeal and then lobby your local politician to legislate as per your proposal and continue to hold the politicians to account on that basis. The current legislation is a proposal only and will need to pass through the Dail. Considering the FF pro-life catholic-wing opposition my suspicion is that even if the 8th is repealed there will be strong pressure to water it down.

The alternative is that effectively you’re happy to stick your fingers in your ears about these hard cases, continue to export them to the UK so they’re “out of sight, out of mind for you” and let a generation pass us before we vote again.

Cowardly in my opinion if you are genuinely of the belief that some change should happen.


What are your numbers looking like at present, Bob?

Are they backing up the weekend polls which were pointing to 56-44 ish for “yes”?

Talking to TFY campaigners last night and they were suggesting closer to 60% in favour – in around the 58% mark. I’m not as optimistic myself as the no side are vamping up the mistruths all week. They went out of their way to highlight DS today after being repeatedly asked not to by DS Ireland – Such tactics will win over some undecideds, of which there is a large number … but it also shows desperation as they know they are behind.

I’m going with a 54% win but it will all come down to the #hometovote numbers … the millions of undocumented Irish in Britain and Europe will swing this one way or the other.

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@bandage - did I use vamping there in the right context? Should I have said ramping?

The girl on that Rosa poster Stop policing my body is a bit chubby

They will still take illegal pills if its passed. They still take them in the UK. Just because ppl are taking illegal pills, drugs or anything doesn’t mean we have to make it legal to protect people. Women have choices to take contraception bar, pill, condoms, and now they want to kill a baby in the womb. Horrible

What difference will it make to you?

Abort early and abort often.

My tax payers money. And what difference will it make to you? Or do you pay tax? Or do I pay for you too?

No foal no fear. We go again

If it’s anythinf like the US it will reduce crime social welfare and tax

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