Abortion Referendum Thread

It’s a shame you don’t feel strongly enough about this matter to vote.

So much warped nonsense from you, and ultimately it’s all pointless as you aren’t going to do anything about it.

But that’s more important than thousands of completely innocent lives?

Because only extreme Catholics and some of the nuttier Protestants hold the beliefs you do. It is quite possible to be morally opposed to abortion and not be religious, but only religious nutters speak about abortion in the manner you do.

Do you believe contraception should be legal?
Do you believe homosexuality should be outlawed?
Should homosexuals be allowe to marry?
Should Ulysses be banned again?

Em, look at their words. They are clearly distinguishing. Using the word “healthy” on its own clearly excludes those not included in whatever they deem to be the non-healthy category.

It’s not my place to tell a woman what is a crisis pregnancy or not, nor is it yours or anybody else’s. It should be her decision and whatever decision she comes to for whatever reason should be respected. That’s the whole point.

Hes no vote here sure. And in the countries that he is from (Italy and Great Britain) abortion is legal

Thats exactly why its a bad law

Its frightening that you’re having to explain this to an adult. Who thinks that because the bible he was taught as a nipper has a “thou shalt not steal” line thats why people all over the world of all creeds and even those who have no truck with religon know that its not ok to take something owned by another.

Morals evolved as humans, or rather hominids as we’re talking 500,000 years ago, learned the benefits of living in larger groups. Homo Sapiens would never have survived without this trait, in fact evidence suggests the evolution of our larger frontal cortex coincided with living in groups of 150 or so. It takes a village etc.

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No, id rather examine something on its merits rather than dismiss it outright simply because of a historical connection to an organization. 8 and a half months into a pregnancy i dont think the child in its mothers womb is a clump of cells or a zygote that can be terminated at a whim. You do though, now thats frightening

I dont want to speak for @gilgamboa, but where the hell are you getting that? Is this like Maria Steens ridiculous assumption that a “termination of pregnancy” means abortion? A pregnancy can end when a baby is delivered. Why would someone who carries a child for 8 and a half months then want to abort it? If a mothers health was in risk, the baby would be delivered, not aborted.

The point im making is that many posters, including him, yesterday were stating they didn’t support abortion on demand after a certain date etc, ie supported a protection for an unborn child which he then for some reason goes on to state is plain bad law today, because it is associated with the church.

but you’ve made a fair leap of assumption there and put words in his mouth that are nothing at all like he said. You are one of few that can actually debate this without screaming like a raving lunatic, so making a point like that seemed out of character.

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Where did i do that? He said above it was purely bad law because it was associated with the church. Im making the point that he doesn’t think its that bad himself, he believes in some protection, he said yesterday that abortion on demand with no medical reason should not be available after three months for example

@gilgamboa has never said that. Removing an item from the constitution does not equate wanting to abort 8 and a half month pregnancies

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Well this will push a few into the no camp


But it removes the only protection against that happening, and im not talking about a lunatic fringe who think thats ok (8.5 months) a TD thinks it’s perfectly ok.

But my attributing it to gil was so i could point out after that he did not support abortion on demand yesterday, ie supported the law he thinks bad today

It doesnt. If you genuinely believe any legislation will go through where abortion on demand will happen at 8 and a half months then I despair. I dont even think this will get through at 12 weeks to be honest, there wouldnt be a hope in hell of anything greater ever getting through in this country.

I’m not sure why you think removing the constitution and inserting a legislation that allows it up to 12 weeks means it will happen up to 8 and a half months. One TD does not represent a country. Same as one Pro Life politician who thinks doctors who perform abortions should get death penalties doesnt mean that will happen either.

Only one of those can potentially enact law

At the moment. Who is to say who is voted in next time around. Its terrible argument though.

Heard on the wireless this morning that there are still 17% undecided, that’s a huge number with only a week to go.