Advice Needed


You’d never know. He could end up helping her through her divorce yet!

well then he could just hire a pro for the job…a stunning brazilian perhaps…

I think Thrawneen’s advice on this topic will be crucial.

MBB knows the score.

Cheers flano, not sure why, but cheers.

I called this as a wind up on page one or something. When I did that I expected everyone to stop playing along but nooooo, they kept on going.

I realise that, and I did take a the piss along the way as well (I think kev thought I was serious when I asked about writing poetry…) but why are you saying I know the score…?*

*I of course always know the score, and it goes without saying ordinarily that I know the score.

[quote=“myboyblue”]I realise that, and I did take a the piss along the way as well (I think kev thought I was serious when I asked about writing poetry…) but why are you saying I know the score…?*

*I of course always know the score, and it goes without saying ordinarily that I know the score.[/quote]

I think Flano thinks that he quoted a post from you??

I kinda guessed that might be the case, but I wanted to see where he went with it before he figured out his mistake.

Here, back to work you-you’re not supposed to be on here til after 6.30pm :pint:

Oh Ye of little faith.

Right lads,

I’v gotten Berna’s number there and I spent an hour last night trying to put together a text to send to her and I found it impossible. I couldn’t settle on anything to say.

Should I just text away anonymously and see will she reply or should I say straight out its me?

What can you say in a text to a woman anyway? I would be new to this texting lark but due to geographical considerations it is my only avenue.

Any and all help appreciated.

What can you say in a text to a woman anyway?[/quote]

" I watch you shower"

[quote=“tipptops*”]Oh Ye of little faith.

Right lads,

I’v gotten Berna’s number there and I spent an hour last night trying to put together a text to send to her and I found it impossible. I couldn’t settle on anything to say.

Should I just text away anonymously and see will she reply or should I say straight out its me?

What can you say in a text to a woman anyway? I would be new to this texting lark but due to geographical considerations it is my only avenue.

Any and all help appreciated.[/quote]


Tell her you’d like her to have a look at the large lump in your trousers. You’ll be hacking into her in no time. Birds love dirty talk.

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Tell her you’d like her to have a look at the large lump in your trousers. You’ll be hacking into her in no time. Birds love dirty talk.[/quote]

And not the large lumps that OneArmedMan is talking about

Lads in fairness to tipp topp tupp he’s only 15 so he was hardly going to make a move on her when he was 5. You should play catch and kiss with her or alteratively get one of your friends to ask her to meet you*

*Be careful here tipp topps asking a girl for someone was just as often a way to get her yourself.

I think a lot of things.
I think therefore I am.
What you think you might not be.

Great stuff TT
Keep up the good work
Well entertaining

[quote=“briantinnion”]Am I reading this right? You want to be friends with birds? There’s only two reasons to hang out with them - (a) to bang them (b) to bang their friends.

Shouldn’t have used the word bang, should have said ‘make love’, sorry Kev.[/quote]

Its Tipp Topps we’re talking about lads. He said he’s friends with her, not me. I thought he was the guy who asked for advice.

Nice try though bando.
