Advice Needed

there isent a man here if they are honest who at some stage of the day doesn’t wonder to himself what mgg would do to you if she got you cornered.
on that basis tipptops go for it, give her a good dose of it and report back to the board.

A lot of wannabe sluts tied up in unhappy marriages. But trust me when I say this - dont do it.

People always want what they can’t have. Le fin!

Was talking to a mate of mine yesterday and he had a strange tale to tell of Saturday night. The girls in his house were out for the night and he had settled for a few cans and an early night after a heavy booze the night before. He didn’t hear them coming in or anything but something woke him up a few hours later. He turned around in the bed to see one of the girls sitting there looking at him. He asked her what the story was anyway and she said “oh nothing, I just like watching you sleep”.

If he didn’t bone her then i’d say move out(she’s a nut), if he did then she’s just a drunk horny bitch, nothing wrong with that.

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I read on here before that MGG & SS* were the Romeo & Juliet of the site. On that basis I couldn’t possibly step into the Limerick Legends’ shoes. I have a conscience of sorts.

Is your mate Pikeman?

is this clarkey cat and bandage ?

Pikeman never struck me as the type who likes to watch blokes sleep. Then again you seem to know him pretty well.


He allegedly had some incident a few years ago where he woke up in the middle of the night to find one of his housemates (female) sitting on the edge of his bed watching him. Or something like that.

Yeah, this happened a few years ago. Woke up to one of the girls in the house sitting on my bed, staring at me. She wouldn’t answer me either, she was sleepwalking or something.
Brought her back to her bed anyway, tucked her in, sqwezzed her diddy and said good night.

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It isn’t to be recommended Tipper,i’ve had a few dalliances with married women from work and
it always ends badly…always.

Either the bint gets too attached and wants more than a rattle or the husband finds out and
wants to pull your arms off.

Lose/lose every time.

Fuck it, you only get one life and one cock so use it as much a possible.

Exactly,I fall for it every time despite of having good intentions.
When the stones start thinking for you,you’re fucked(literally). :wink:

Ok guys, I have just had a video sent to me of myself 6/7 years ago belting out “You Stole The Sun From My Heart” by The Manic Street Preachers in a hotel lobby. I am in an inebriated state in this video, it is about 2 minutes long and I would like to stop circulation of said video

cc @artfoley

I could leave a message looking for legal advice on Boards if you want, pal.


A video of you showing some personality. This could be the turning point of your life. Sit back and embrace it. Is there a version of ‘A Design for Life’ you could give someone as a follow up?

I’m full of personality, in the video I took certain poetic licenses with the lyrics which I’d rather not be disclosed to the general public.

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I know you hold @Nembo_Kid dear to your heart and really want to help but Your Love Alone Is Not Enough.

Not enough.

Not enough.