
He stayed in a hotel last night. Meeting the wife today.

3 kids in the picture. Wife will want to protect them I suspect. Yer man if he is any man has to fight for his family so if a betting man I would say he will see what he can rescue.

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I can accept that on some level for one offs.

The rest is wreckless and selfish.

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Some people suffer from a lack of imagination. Too stupid to fast forward to the carnage that happens.


But also serious lavk of realonsibikity in society today

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This place isn’t half like that fucking wedding forum sometimes, serious gossipy boyos

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I always found men just as gossipy.

Just less sneaky

By the way.

Have i been talking to you on FB recently?

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The more rural types love the gossip — the fuckers have to know what’s going on.


Not to my knowledge.


Disappointing rush to judgment here by tfk.

You’re rumbled kid

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Unbelievable cooincidences going on so

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Operation samson - activate without prejudice.



Psychologist working in Uni in Scotland

Rebel Wheelers

Ring any bells?

I haven’t noticed it quite so much as on here, maybe it’s just me but I couldn’t give a shit about some random lad in some random place having an affair, I don’t need to know the tittalating details of Limerick referees perverse lives, why would I?

Does the body rule the mind or does the mind rule the body… oh, I dont know…

Rebel wheelers i have been there.

Uni in Scotland - not to my knowledge any link

Abort! Abort! Abort!

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