

Clown of a man

Tell your missusā€™ friend she should be ashamed of herself, homewrecking tramp. He is obviously no better, but we have no line of contact to him.


Not allowed yet!

This made me LOL.

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Is this lady now available so, mate?

WTF is wrong with you today?1 First @Mike1, now this, catch yourself on!

Once you are married I can introduce you.


Canā€™t ask fairer than that.

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Right we do . Ye townies could have Fred West as a fucking neighbour and it would never dawn on ye .

If you make up a post about you picking up the homebreaker on the rebound you might get fifty likes.


I dunno mate, maybe mouse is exaggerating but thereā€™s truth in it as well, the country lads are clane mad for a bit of ska, Iā€™d notice the difference between the fellas I grew up with and the lads Iā€™d know out my wifeā€™s way, I played with the club for a while so Iā€™d know a rake of them and meet them for the odd pint around Christmas or whenever. All cloak and dagger stuff and raising the eyebrows across the pub

I have another story I am sitting on.

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Iā€™ll take a PM :rofl:

Iā€™ll also take a PM :wink:

Thats exactly it.
Its the reason really i have f-all to do with the club/locality i grew up with bar a few notables.
Even the good ones get sucked in in the end.

I think trust is a major issue tbh

That would be totally unfair.

We donā€™t even know if she really is pregnant yet ffs

Iā€™d say the daughter had him sussed a while ago.


It involves a threesome and another couple in my social circle.

Iā€™ll be allowed go to all the GAA games I want from now on as I look positively golden to my missus now. A lOt to be said for keeping your pleasures simple.
A lot of temptation around though if you want to look.

So a fivesome? A quintet-a-tet? Or are the couple trying to poach the floater from the threesome to go 3-2 up?

Never do shit like with people you know ffs.

Do you hang around with these people to make yourself feel good, and smarter than these clowns???:joy:

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