
Its a tired exhausted reference. Its like calling @balbec a squarehead or swan eater.


The difference is that my post is sharp and witty and in the spirit of tfk at itā€™s best.

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thereā€™s a nice bit of cut in that post which shows you donā€™t really need to be persisting with those ridiculous ā€˜I have an update pause dot endā€™ type posts of yours which in fairness do appeal to a good few posters on here who need this type of anonymous gossipy auld nonsense to brighten up their mundane lives, but it doesnā€™t appeal to me.
what appeals to me is the angle of you and your missus in all this, so ill have more of you two sitting there gobbling up the bits and pieces of how to break up a family straight from the tongue of some homewrecking tart. Please.


Go fuck a swan

Go feed your latest victim in the cage!

She went out on a limb for him and was left with no support.


Youā€™ve some neck!

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it goes against everything I believe in but good quip mate


will you pm me the name of the hotel there kid


It had it all

Timing, whit, knowledge of the subject, historical reference


Maybe it was one of those had to be there type gags, but I didnā€™t care for it myself. Maybe I just hold @balbec to higher standards than mostā€¦

Cheers mate

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Not that i speak for the forum but i can safely say this place always had a soft spot for stumpy, and personally she is still my favourite out of all the birds you have ridden.


Not the best though.

Lovely girl though.

Iā€™ve been informed the wife found out about this over weekend.

He had the phone on the table and a message came in from the young wan. Wife picked up and phone and saw it. Twas along the lines of thanking him for the lovely night in hotel :nauseated_face:

Amateur mistake :joy::joy:

Stupid young ones and their texting. :grinning:

She set him up there.

Ah in fairness he should have had another phone for this carry on.

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