
He should have notifications turned off sure.

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I beginning to wonder did he want the wife to find out… No idea yet if she’s planning on leaving him. They have 2 children but they’re old enough…

He shouldn’t be dipping his mickey away from home.

He who dips the wick pays for the oil

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A man in his mid 40s was doing contracting work in our area. Was riding an 19 year old for 18 months or so pretty much full on while he was in the area. Wife and 4 kids at home. The young one is after getting pregnant with his child. Some mess.

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When there are kids involved its a fuckin disaster. Ao much of it is down to boredom i believe. Lads or lassies just bored and looking to go fuckin mad.

In this day and age, the world is a small place which is fast moving and easy to get caught up in something.

But when kids are involved its a whole lot worse.

That’s the way it’s gone now with social media


There was a situation in Ireland in the past 12 months, of a man who committed suicide in the family home, and one of his sons snapchatted the scene.

Go way ta fuck…

Thats some going


His stamina or the fact she stayed 19 for 18 months?


The latter. Ah fair dues for the former also i suppose.


It’s largely to do with people completely unsuited getting married allied to irish mens deep psychological issues

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Can you expand on your latter point there?



A real serious inability to talk to either friends or partners. And bottling up shit. An inability to emotionally connect essentially
Which invariably pushes said partner away.

And quite a bit still of lingering of old school mysognistic ways.

Oh ya, and Crossfit too. That’s also to blame.


monogamy is extremely unhealthy. human beings are not suited to monogamy, an awful lot of people say they have married their soulmate when all theyve done is find someone who they can tolerate more often than not and vica versa.
imagine turning 25 and looking at ‘your soulmate’ saying ill never lay a finger on another lady or taste another lady for as long as i breath on this earth. at 25 you know absolutely nothing and the majority of time are simply following your penis. at 35 you know little more. its a crazy thing to sign up to when you think about it and without doubt it contributes to a whole heap of this mental health stuff that goes on


let me guess he was from Laois and flogged a drink driving story to death like it was the first time it ever happened


Is the crossfit reason because the bloke gets fitter, looks better and then more attractive to the opposite sex, which then leads to temptation and dipping his wick?

You’re wrong, but a cunt, so well done on being 50% right.