
Itā€™s also the whole community thing and the changing hormones and testosterone flying.

Alot of the time itā€™s one partner doing it and they start to see the other one as lazy.

Itā€™s set up to be addictive and it has worked a treat

thatā€™s a great post there
lovely momentum to it

I blame those yoga pants or leggings that women wear in the gym. They may as well just workout in their knickers than wear them.


I would say compounds rather than creates.

But you would want your head examined to be getting married before 35.

It is individual but men in particular need to reach a certain stage in life. What happens then when men are actually ready is they settle for anyone at actually to have babies with.

It is hard but I do believe there is a reward down the road if ye really are people someway compatible. There is 3 stages to it really in successful ones

Early days - fun - riding
After kids

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Greatest invention ever

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Is that solely an Irish phenom? Sounds like an old stereotype of all men tbh - How are Irish men more afflicted than other countries? How do we stack up against countries like India or Muslim countries where there are very high rates of gang rape?I think I read somehwere that a woman is sexually assaulted in the states every 90 seconds - is that relevant here ? Nearly 50% of Germans, Italians and Danes admitted cheating on their spouse, thatā€™s men and women ā€” could it be that Irish men are fairly normal?


What has rape stats got to do with what I said?

Fuck off and annoy someone else with your goalpost moving.


How many times have you been propositioned by a client ?

Asked on a date once and pinned to a toilet door on a chance meeting out another time.
I refused both advances. The being pinned to the door one would have happened was I single. No doubt. That was tough
Itā€™s easy enough to spot it generally a long way out and you just adjust your language. Talk about your missus deliberately or whatever.


Yes . There are never affairs in UK or America .

The adultery stats are very relevant though. Once again, you think an issue in life is solely an Irish problem


Two compliments in one. Must have been great for you to see her strength work paying off like that. :clap:


What was he doing in the womenā€™s jacks?


savage self control.

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No, I believe the reasons for failed marriages are different.

Affairs go on everywhere. Different cultures have different tolerances.

I have lived in a few places now and women will tell you about the differences. Much nicer guys(irish lads) in general but impossible to talk deeply with. Of course thatā€™s a generalization but it is a pattern.

I personally found Aussie and Kiwis were far more open with each other about serious subjects like mental health or relationships or feelings.

Irish people still drink to forget.

Itā€™s changing but change is slow. You see we are fooled by age/maturity on here. From what I see young lads are drinking and taking drugs just as wildly if not more than ever now.

Good sex is critical to self control

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You said Irish menā€™s infidelity is down to deep psychological problems and I merely asked you where we stacked up against societies where gang rape by men is prevalent. Are our problems really that acute? To follow that I also gave you examples where other european countries expressed high rates of infidelity, for both men and women - It would seem to me that Irish men are no different to any other country/culture when it comes to cheating and infidelity. We are just smaller and have more gossiping cunts - But I dont hold a degree in pseudo psychology like you do, so iā€™ll have to bow to your expertise here. If I didnt know better Iā€™d think you were just throwing out a sweeping statement to paint Irish people in a negative light like you often like to do - but iā€™ll let you back up your statement with facts before I come to any conclusions.

I notice that the drinking culture is dying out on the mainland. Young people are much more into the gym and stuff like the cinema and going for coffee. The Irish have savage problems. They have a terrible relationship with the drink


Alot of the gym culture people are drinking heavily still though

You are incredibly defensive about things said about irish people.

Not the work of someone as enlightened as you like to think you are.

If you didnā€™t see some truth you wouldnā€™t bother.

Still a long way to go fella

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