
That’s it?

As i thought.

In other words, he cant debate you. STOP MOVING THE GOALPOSTS

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He associates rape with infidelity

Why should one discuss anything with him related to the subject

And his other point about infidelity levels across Europe?

And i think he was saying gang rape suggests bigger psychological problems than riding young ones who never age

Sex fiends.

I associated sexual misconduct, or promiscuity, with psychological problems… You said Irish men had deep psychological problems and I just wanted to know where we stood on the barometer.


And you are still doing it

So are you.

He associated it with mysogyny, which you mentioned in your earlier post.

You cannot compare ffs.

Are ye 2 competely fucking stupid or what?

No he didn’t

You have a long long way to go fella.

You’re a fraud

Looks like he did.

You’re doing your usual trick here, mate – Duck and dive and dodge… it’s clear as day what was being asked, others can connect the dots very easily… you threw out a sweeping statement and have nothing to back it up. That’s ok. Just say nothing and move on like most people… but you cant do that it seems- the usual tactic of insulting people is employed to cover up your bullshit.

And mysognmy is a state of mind and a long way from someone who physically assaults and rapes a girl.

Some fellas really exposing themselves today. The masks well and truly off.

Ah you cannot just pull a word out and put it in. He has even said himself he was comparing I fidelity to rape. He re-enforced this later

Misogyny - hatred or distrust of, prejudice against women.

Not connected to rape or more specifically cultures that tolerate rape?

Even if he cast that aside - he still wont reply to the stat about the high rates of infidelity by men and women in other countries - Have they all deep psychological problems also? It was clear I was using rape culture by men as the extreme end of the scale and I just wanted to see where our deep psychological problems put us on the scale of sexual promiscuity. It was never a comparison…

No. It does not cover physical violence. It may be that some cultures allow it manifest more, but my point if you read it was there was still a linger of that. But again, he was not comparing those 2 words.

And of course let’s not forget his generalisations himself tarring all Indians with same brush when anyone with an ounce of reading would realise it’s a regionalised issue.