
Higher than you’d imagine, or fear in the recent past. Less so now the twisted mysogyny of devalera and mcquaid are sinking into the mire I suspect.

what’s wrong with having a distrust of women?
did you really think that pen pal of yours in Odessa loved you?
christ man

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Is it possible the whole world are sexual deviants and Irish men are largely no different to any other men on this front?

I can’t talk of much experience in most of the countries you listed. As neither can you.

I am talking about my experiences. Seemingly alot broader and longer lasting than yours.

The reasons as I said vary from culture to culture. They were the reasons largely in my opinion in ireland. Some of which compare with Oz or US in ways as marriage happens earlier. But not then comparable to Denmark for instance.

I can normally decipher what you mean but I’m lost here. Is that in Danish?


not over here, younger people are not into getting wasted anymore, I think the shift in culture it is fascinating and invigorating, if fills me with optimism for the future


I’d say some places are more devianter than others. Any place dictated to by a religion run by hypocrites and psychopaths with severe personal inadequacy tends to be the deviantest.


Everybody knows Germans are the biggest deviants in Europe and they are not bound by religion.


The Italians are fairly high up on the list. Have they given up their faith?


What list?

The list.

i love the way lads use the word deviant round here

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It’s quite the opposite actually. The amount of young people drinking has been steadily declining for the last several years.

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The pubs are dying, they are closing down here in the mainland aswell, young people have evolved

I’m not sure I like what they have evolved into.

What kind of drinking and what stats have you on that?
Pub drinking is down. But there is a reason the off licence trade is booming and alot of publicans have got into it

Consumption is falling across the board.

Is that it?

Find me the actual study.

Did you even read the article?

It also stated the industry is recovering and that the numbers may have alot to do with Ireland demographic and an aging population

It was also comparing to the Celtic Tiger which in turn was up on the norm previous to that

I would be interested in the study and did it include imported beer as that guy seemed to indicate he was working for irish drinks industry.