
The friend of my wife who had the affair with the married man is now happily living with him after he left his missus and teenage kids.

Sometimes love finds a way.*

*For a certain time.

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Thats because Allah states in the Quran that you should not consume alcohol.

Its based on figures from the World Health Organisation. if you donā€™t believe me do a bit of digging yourself. Its not my job to educate you. I just pointed out that your anecdotal evidence was wrong. Which it is. Be man enough to admit you were wrong , no one is going to judge you for it.

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Is it wrong?

You have showed nothing to prove it is.

And seeing as I grew up in the 90ā€™s 2005 is irrelevant to what I said.

We could say itā€™s down from 13 years ago but up from last.

Itā€™s a nothing paper article that is fluffy article best.

Nobody is required to ā€œproveā€ that you are wrong when you make a claim based on anecdotal evidence.
Anecdotal evidence is worthless, itā€™s the most basic logical fallacy.

You said;

I told you they are not drinking ā€œjust as wildly if not more than never now.ā€ What has you growing up in the 90ā€™s got to do with anything! It would be relevant if you said young lads were drinking more now than they did when you were growing up. You didnā€™t you said more than ever. They clearly arenā€™t.

Its a ā€œfluffyā€ article reporting on findings from a study by the World Health Organisation. That study proves my point. Itā€™s easily available online if you want to analyse the results and debate those.

I wrote a paper on this last year. The evidence is compelling. There is a paradigm shift in attitudes towards drinking amongst the modern youth


It doesnā€™t prove anything really related to what i said.

What were the key points?

What was the sample size?

What are the numbers from 1995?

Actually itā€™s not worthless.

Itā€™s not as valuable as well built scientific research etc. But itā€™s not worthless.

He has made a statement and I want to know has he even read the study as I suspect he has not.

The BJM put out a red herring study recently and it became obvious that only 20% or less of the people who ā€œread itā€ actually read it. There was deliberate mistakes put in and people even within the field itself completely ignored them even when read.

You are the one who made a statement, so you are the one who has to back it up.
Post up the studies that show young Irish people are drinking as much or more than ever.

There are very few cases where anecdotal evidence has any value, and this certainly isnā€™t one of them. In general it is worthless and leads people to believe in nonsense.

So are you disputing the fact that alcohol consumption is falling based on your anecdotal evidence? The World Health Organisation are wrong and you are right. Okay. :rollseyes:

Iā€™m saying critically analyze the study.

At least read the fucking thing

Youā€™re some man demanding studies when youā€™re happy to throw out generalizations

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I have read the studies. I have attended conferences about the very same subject. All the data says rates of alcohol consumption are falling in Ireland especially with young people. Just because I couldnā€™t be arsed spoon feeding you the information does not mean Iā€™m not right in my assertions. Theres studies out there by the WHO, OECD, etc that back up what Iā€™m saying. Large scale studies by the way. Besides your anecdotal evidence what makes you think you are right? A gut feeling is it! A belief that you can never be wrong! Because you say so!


Thatā€™s interesting. Whatā€™s the trends on recreational drug use? Have drugs replaced drinking?

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Instagram fitness models have replaced drinking.


Can we please get this thread back on topic?


God bless them

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Iā€™m not sure about the drugs stats. If i have time later iā€™ll have a look and see what they say.

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