
Good idea to protect the anonymity mate. :ok_hand:

I have two suspects in mind.

I know who they are. Iā€™m absolutely certain about one.

The only studies I trust are those by Persil washing powder.


Whiskas are trustworthy as well

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Nah man. Those lads never come clean.


Thereā€™s an awful lot of lads on this thread very very eager to change the subject.


Send them on. Iā€™ll read them.

Just because the WHO did it means fuck all. Big companies, NGBā€™s and the likes have been fiddling data for years.

Not same thing but WHO has been well behind on subjects like physical literacy, aging health, exercise physiology, Nutrition etc in the past. So I am not going to just sit up in amazement at something they throw out.

Now there does not seem to be alot to be gained in this case to do that. But still post up the link and let it be critiqued.

Even that article you posted suggested a return to more drinking. And the fact that people have more dispensable income in Ireland site ems to correlate strongly to rises in drinking if memory serves me correctly. Some doctor was on a few years ago rubbishing this very subject.

I do prefer real life stories. OK there may be some bias or selective people based on my demographic or job or whatever. But talk to cops, teachers, parents etc any of them would tell you itā€™s largely the same. My parents and their generation at least claimed they did not go out anywhere near what we did. So I think economic circumstances matter.

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Well we know one lad has

Some lads believe everything they are told.

I said the rate of consumption has been on a consistent downward trajectory for the last several years. It has. Of course this could be for any number of reasons and can change. Anyway the data is freely available if you wish to go looking for it. Best of luck.

Believe nothing you are told and only half of what you see

You attacked half of what I said.

But carry on

look, i can see potentially where ryan giggs went wrong, he just went thru with it
it can happen to anyone very easily if you arent careful id imagine and emotions and passions are running high

So 20% of men at some stage in their life have affairs.

On TFK that percentage is 0% :smile:

Weā€™re very good Catholic boys.

Youā€™ve to have a wife to have an affiar and I get the feeling thereā€™s a lot of singletons posting on tfk.

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Do you?
Would a long term gf not essentially be the same thing?

no, i dont think so kev
women want 2 fucking things , a ring on there finger and a kid, they can get that kid no problem by trickery but they crave the security of a ring, its a bigger win and harder to earn for them, very few women can come back from you breaking that, all their hard work to get you to marry them, and then you ride the next door neighbour or summatā€¦
thatā€™s it kev, affairs are high risk poker if you are married, the effect on the woman is catastrophicā€¦ uā€™ll fuck her up good an proper my friend

Many of them donā€™t you know. More and more women donā€™t give a fuck about it and just want some fella who wonā€™t be about basket case or wonā€™t beat the shit out of them.

Women, or men for that matter, can get fucked up by any partner at any time