
Odd post

I’ve heard those studies are rigged. It’ll all come out in the wash someday

Wait till you start seeing someone over 25…

The WHO is a crooked organisation guys, @caoimhaoin is right to question it

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I agree.

Any of ye having an affair ?

I was seeing a married woman about 3 years ago, but I wasn’t married so I wouldn’t classify it as an affair

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The WHO is in the pocket of Big Pharma

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She was having an affair. You weren’t



They’d a few great songs though.




What are you laughing at? I have not verified this now but it was said to me recently by someone who works with tusla, 50% of Irish women will encounter physical violence in the home. 25% of men will or something around that.
But many women will say the mental abuse is worse and more common.

The stats say 1 in 5 women will experience abuse – 50% is off the charts - you’re either lying or really gullible.

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1 in 7 for severe physical abuse.

In England, the police receive one report of domestic abuse every minute - The tans love to smash their women.


8% of Irish women surveyed compared to an EU average of 11% of women surveyed said they experienced some form of abuse …

Tusla is the children’s agency.

Would someone who works there have detailed stats on spousal domestic abuse?

Yesterday it was Irish men’s deep psychological problems that lead to infidelity - Now 50% of Irish men in relationships are abusing their partners – It’s almost like he’s making it up for a wind up :grinning:

The comment that more and more women are only looking for someone that’s not a basket case and someone that won’t beat the shit out of them is just… well bizarre to say the least.

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