
Maybe itā€™s 50% of Cork men who abuse their partners. That would surprise no one Iā€™d imagine.


Unbelievable - I really wonder about the circles he mixes in. Heā€™s either on a big wind up or just making an excuse for himself as he feels insecure about not being married at 40 - which he shouldnā€™t, he should just be comfortable in his own skin.


Sure weā€™re all basket cases


Yeah but Irish people are far worse than anyone. I was chatting to a clinical psychologist recently and he said 90% Of Irish people are 50% more likely to do 40% more immoral stuff than 80% of their European counterparts.


Whoā€™s beating the other 25% of the women ?

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The tinkers


not at all, how could you be in breach of a contract that doesnā€™t exist or is made verbally? there is no risk in that as neither of you are tied in or bothered enough to commit to each other. its marriage or nothing. anything else is simply cheating on your girlfriend, like 15 year olds do. harmless stuff.

Tusla employees or people who work with them should not be talking out of shop.

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Itā€™ll be the same few lads.

Reported cases.
Vast majority the professionals say are not reported at all

Go way you fool.

You are the fool.

Living in dreamland

They do not talk specifically

Oh no iā€™m not ā€¦ YOU are the foolā€¦ I was talking to a fool-ologist the other day at a conference on fools and he told me you were the biggest fool on the internet.


Why do you think they are generally getting involved?

Nah fella, you are not in the real world at all.

Fooled by doctored stats sent out to media to justify existence. Very silly sheep

Talk to the real people involved

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The guys are in denial Kev, you are telling a few home truths here and they canā€™t handle it.


Youā€™re the one living in dream world, mate ā€“ I think everyone here sees that. But keeping throwing out random blanket statements and inventing random people to back up your argument.

A lot of wives going to be in hiding tonight

Fella, history has shown us that government agencies in ireland d are corrupt and hide the truth.

What makes you think the same level of nod-nod, wink-wink and deception and doctoring of data and hiding of cases does not go on in somewhere like Tusla compared to the garda? ??

What makes you think itā€™s any different.

Or that certain people from certain socio-demographics still get treated differently even though there dies not seem to be much division economically on where abuse comes from?

Why do you think these people would make stuff up?

Anyone I ever met in Parole or Tusla or childrenā€™s affairs or in councillor would tell you most stuff is not reported whatsoever.

So you can keep your stats and shove them up your hole as they are not worth a fuck to the people who actually deal with all this.

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