
So youā€™re willing to trust the word of someone from a government agency but at the same time you are calling me out for using stats from a government agency? Are you a bit simple, fella?

Eh we donā€™t mate. We think you made it up.


Iā€™d say thereā€™s a lot of truth in that, Kev and Iā€™ve no doubt that there are a high number of unreported cases but to suggest that 1 in 2 men beat their wives is ludicrously high.

Ya. You do know the difference between people working on the ground and the cronies at the top ya?

Wise up young lad. You have a long long way to go

Maybe these chaps are beating other peopleā€™s wives and thatā€™s where the confusion is here?

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Physical or mental abuse???
Iā€™d easily believe it.

Have you started beating the wife yet?

Not yet, bro ā€¦ It seems I am way behind in this marriage stuff.

Number of married women having affairs has increased in last number of years. Reported due to more women working and more opportunity.

Big issue with modern ā€œromanticā€ liaisons is people expect their partner to be their best friend, lover, have same interests and values, intellectual equal etc and that perhaps unrealistic. If you dial back expectations around one person fulfilling all those needs then less likely to stray sexually.

The other issue is that most married men only have an intimate relationship with their wife. Women on the other hand generally have intimate relationships and share everything with friends and family. Also men will generally forgive an affair easier than women.

Tfk May be the reason lads on here donā€™t have affairs as we have all these intimate relationships with out e pals.


Oh son, donā€™t over reach. Go for the dented car, the dead end job, the less attractive girl.


Very good points.

The wife canā€™t do everything for you.

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I donā€™t know, which is it? How is mental abuse defined? Is it #metoo type stuff where women who were asked out on a date by a guy they didnā€™t fancy equating that to rape? I thought it was physical abuse you were talking about. There is absolutely no way that 50% of men physically abuse their wives. Absolutely no chance.

You donā€™t really get this stuff at all do ya?

Thatā€™s not what he is saying.

The naivety of some lads on here is surprising

But I suppose in ways they may be better off

Good man, continue to toe the line. Theyā€™ll never suspect.


You see I suspect you see physical abuse as getting a slap or a punch or kick. But itā€™s grabbing their hair or arm and being physically intimidating in any way.

The women most vulnerable are the ones without other male support and they retract into themselves quickly. And then it becomes normal. Which is a total disaster. Then the man becomes worse.

Itā€™s a well worn path

Esther Perel is good on this topic

***Never before have our expectations of marriage taken on such epic proportions. We still want everything the traditional family was meant to provideā€”security, respectability, property, and childrenā€”but now we also want our partner to love us, to desire us, to be interested in us. We should be best friends and trusted confidants, and passionate lovers to boot.

Contained within the small circle of the wedding band are vastly contradictory ideals. We want our chosen one to offer stability, safety, predictability, and dependability. And we want that very same person to supply awe, mystery, adventure, and risk. We expect comfort and edge, familiarity and novelty, continuity and surprise. We have conjured up a new Olympus, where love will remain unconditional, intimacy enthralling, and sex oh so exciting, with one person, for the long haul. And the long haul keeps getting longer.

We also live in an age of entitlement; personal fulfillment, we believe, is our due. In the West, sex is a right linked to our individuality, our self-actualization, and our freedom. Thus, most of us now arrive at the altar after years of sexual nomadism. By the time we tie the knot, weā€™ve hooked up, dated, cohabited, and broken up. We used to get married and have sex for the first time. Now we get married and stop having sex with others. The conscious choice we make to rein in our sexual freedom is a testament to the seriousness of our commitment. By turning our back on other loves, we confirm the uniqueness of our ā€œsignificant otherā€: ā€œI have found The One. I can stop looking.ā€ Our desire for others is supposed to miraculously evaporate, vanquished by the power of this singular attraction.***



thereā€™s 12 married men. at least 3 of them will have an affair at some stage in their marriage. some of them probably already have.

Which half of them are beating their wives do you think?

ill have a think about that

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