
Iā€™m only married a couple of months, mate ā€“ give me a chanceā€¦ itā€™s the seasoned campaigners you need to interrogating hereā€¦ the like of @TreatyStones, @Mac, @mickee321 et al.

In fairness mate, if I was having an affair, Iā€™d ensure the strangers on the internet who Iā€™m friendly with would be the first to know

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agree 100%, id expect you to be a good boy until you manage to father a child

No wonder heā€™s so pro-abortion. Sad that he thinks not paying child maintenance justifies killing unborn babies.

i dont really want to know @Mac
im just pointing out there a few lads here up to it

And their wives

ye, id need to do the calcs again but i think its 2 wives from that original group who are having affairs or will have them some time soon

I am concerned at how this thread is going. We saw during whiskey weekend how lads felt they had to try very strong drink to fit in with the group. Quite frankly, a lot of them werenā€™t able for it. There is a risk that the same impressionable lads will hit their wives a dig tonight to try and fit in.


@Horsebox is working himself up into a fury now and is going to give his one an unmerciful clatter when he bursts in the door this evening.

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I think Iā€™ll hit someone elseā€™s wife first to see how it goes. Wouldnā€™t like to jump straight in at the deep end and end up in the 25% of men who are being abused

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Could we organise a way for all of us to hit each others wives and assess the impact?

Didnā€™t have you down as a swinger, m8.

its something that wouldnā€™t surprise me actually

Could we please get a status update here?

Still together. Seems to be rocky enough now though.

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The river has met the sea for this couple and the afffair/relationship has run its course.


nothing lasts forever

Thatā€™s sad news.

Has he gone crawling back to the wife?

No. Or not yet anyway.