
Where do lads get time for affairs?


I do not for the life of me understand how anyone has the time for an affair.

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It would seriously impact oneā€™s TFK time. Itā€™s just not worth it.

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A bit of part time farming would keep lads out of trouble

What about an auld jaunt @mikehunt as opposed to a full blown affair


Women. You canā€™t live withā€™em and you canā€™t live withā€™em

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What about a goomba?


Fell in with wan for a while. She had a wain from previous relationship. Told me the story one night. She had broken up with a fella and found she was pregnant just before a holiday. Hooked up with this English guy on holiday & shagged him for a week & after she got home told him she was pregnant by him. Guy never questioned it & had been paying maintenance for a kid heā€™d never met for couple of years & would continue to pay until (I donā€™t know) 16/18?
I made my excuses & left (as they say).


A mate is a solicitor, mainly matrimonial etc. He says when a marriage breaks up the man comes and the poor creature doesnā€™t know if heā€™s up down or sideways, he wont care less about mortgages, electricity bills, joint bank accounts etcā€¦just so long as the kids are ok etc etc. A woman on the other hand will have a account numbers, lists of assets, his pension details and details of his parents home.
As mr Peterson says, weā€™ve twice as many female ancestors as male.

By god isnā€™t that the truth! Need proof? Just watch Judge Judy for an hour in the afternoon. (You wage slaves may have to record it!) The woman will have every receipt\bank statement\bill and the amadan will be standin with the two arms the one length. Fucked!

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Heā€™s a cynical bastard. He says a marriage is solid when it has no kids and when it has 3+ kids. See if any of you saps can work out whyā€¦

Here Sur, I need that one explained to me :joy:

OK Sur. I need that one explained to me too!

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No kids and thereā€™s no financial incentive. 1 or 2 kids and her ex is now a magic money tree, and her mum will happily babysit while she goes fly her kite. 3+ and neither her mum nor any man will be interestedā€¦


Iā€™d rather not mate

Thatā€™s an intriguing statement

Got a text from a mate the other night, probably my best mate at work. He had a reputation as a ā€œJack the Ladā€ (younger posters might update that saying if they can) but has been going steady with a lady now for a nice few years and is looking into buying houses etc.

Anyway his text was to inform me, gleefully, that him and a really hot one we both work with were on the way to a hotel near the airport to go do sex at each other.

Now the girl in question is incredible looking and he seems to be of the opinion that that makes the whole operation morally fine. And whatā€™s more, he thinks nothing of making me party to the whole thing when Iā€™ve still got to work with both of them.

I think he was inviting you to a three-way there mate


Assuming she knows he is taken then she isnā€™t a really hot one. Sheā€™s a tramp

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