All Ireland Hurling Championship 2018

When it didn’t count.

Definitely not. The hardest & greatest ever won.

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The limerick lads will be clapping you on the back for that bullshit. Well done.

Ye didn’t have the electricity nor running water to even make the tae out there fuck sake! :rofl:


Some slackjawed degenerate from the citay probably robbed the copper on his holidays for the day.


You’ll soon be on the outstanding melt down thread.

Aron Shanagher missing an open goal to put them into a handy All-Ireland final will be the haunting memory of Clare fans 2018 campaign.

That and Declan Hannon lifting the cup.


John Kiely played Podge & Rodge for schmucks. The two boys fist pumping afterwards while Kiely gave a wry smile.


I watched it back last night. It was a poor final, redeemed somewhat by an incredibly exciting finish. For all the talk over the past few weeks of a jaded Galway team, Limerick were pretty knackered for much of the 2nd half. In what was effectively an 80 minute final, they scored 1–15 in the first 45 minutes and 2-1 in the last 35 minutes. Best team on the day and over the season won though, no disputing that.


I would have taken 2 points to 1 at 3pm last Sunday Geoff with 45 frees each and a plethora of wides.

Absolutely. Winning was the only thing that mattered for Limerick last Sunday. As a more general point going forward, they need to look at restoring All Ireland Finals to traditional September dates. All those extra games and they’ve shortened it by a few weeks. You’d wonder as well what purpose the league serves anymore now that the once straight knock out Championship is largely run on a league basis now. It’s a bit like soccer in Argentina and some other South American countries where they have two leagues in the same year, an opening and closing Championship.


+1 Geoff.

Some counties (not naming anyone) killed themselves in the league before the league championship and it wasn’t necessary.

It might have been imperative to get up to 1A for counties outside the traditional top three a few years ago, but I don’t think it’s too important these days.


I’m totally against moving it back to September. I’d be up for shortening the league alright.

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Why are you against playing the finals on the traditional September dates they were played on for the best part of a century?

There are a number of practical reasons to have them in August. I like tradition as much as anyone, but not if it stands in the way of improvement.


What are the practical advantages to playing the finals in August instead of their traditional September dates?

I won’t be standing freezing in muck in November & December.


Agreed,I’d love if they moved all Ireland’s back another few weeks. Get the all Ireland club played in calendar year. All these people looking for a return to September September dates obviously don’t attention club games.

Agreed it wasn’t so much as a collapse from Limerick in the last 10 minutes so much as they were hanging on after Kyle Hayes’ burst early in the second half. A couple of Galwegian clusterfucks gifted goals to paper over the cracks.