All Ireland Hurling Championship 2018

There was zero margin for error.

Meh fair enough. If you wanna bring in timing yeah and all that.

Still would rate some of Murphy’s saves against us as better tbh.


It was an important moment but as I’ve said before it wasn’t even his best save in that game.


Yeah he made a brilliant save was it on lehane in first half coming in off the wing ? Think it went over for a point?

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Don’t think it was Lehane, might have been Kingston. Went over the bar alright.

Yeah twas Kingston actually you’re right. I’d rate that higher.

Accurate opinion though. Very poor from Harnedy.

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That’s harsh, he did everything right. Donal O’Grady made the point that he could have tried a drop shot like Corcoran had in 04 but in the heat of the moment that’s a huge expectation to have.
They should have tapped over a point really.

He turned back onto his left into a crowd of bodies rather than turning to his right where it would have been basically an empty net. Easier said than done but very poor by Harnedy all the same

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That’s a very harsh assessment, I just watched it back to be sure.

He’d be better in the corner and maybe even on the wing. Lovely ball player but not really ruthless enough for 3 or 6. Don’t look to have an alternative though, and there might be other changes that bring more reward for less effort.

I’m going to disagree with you there.

Even in open play, it’s a difficult skill to execute and not one that you see that often. In fact, getting the flick in before the strike rather than a block is something that maybe should be more common.

And of course the context, etc plays a huge part. How often do you see forwards in that position, coming back across the goalkeeper. Look at Dowling’s goal against Skehill- similar enough situation?

It’s the decision-making in the heat of the moment to decide to come out and try the flick rather than just make yourself as big as possible. He did everything right in the last minute of an All-Ireland semi-final with the game on the line, and that’s what makes it better than a pure reflex stop.

It was incredible.

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Not a save though

Cleary did alright at full-back in the League, I thought? You’d imagine he wouldn’t have struggled as badly with Glynn.

A lot of Clare supporters seem to be very harsh on Cleary & thought that switch was all about getting McInerney into a position where he could influence the game more. The fact is that McInerney was very disappointing at centre-back and didn’t offer as much as Cleary; he’s a lovely hurler but centre-back requires a lot of discipline. Midfield if you could find a centre-back? Certainly has the legs.

Vast majority of ‘keepers in that situation panic, throw themselves into the attacker and haul the forward down, take the yellow and the concession of the penalty.

It was incredible calmness and concentration if nothing else.

A block itself isn’t a difficult skill to execute at all. Especially compared to a hook where the timing is much harder to get right. It’s always gas listening to Canning or Marty describing it as ‘an incredible piece of skill’. The hard part with blocking is closing the distance quickly enough to get in range before the opponent strikes. That’s where Quaid did well as he showed great feet to close down Harnedy as fast as he did. Ultimately though it was the hospital pass that undid Harnedy as it cost him seconds he didn’t have.


Fair enough points.

I agree with the context of the game it was huge as i mentioned already but I’d still be more in awe of a keeper making a point blank reflex save. Some point blank saves people can call ‘lucky’ but if a keeper is making them consistently than that ain’t luck.

Ah shur look i was on my feet the same as everyone else that day when he made it!

It wasn’t. It happens a couple of times in most decent games.

It really doesn’t.

And particularly not on shots at goal when the player in possession receives the ball in space while the defending player has to rush out. And certainly not by a goalkeeper.

But I actually can’t think of a similar flick on any shot in this year’s Championship.