All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

He was calling Greg to come in and help mark Joe


Interestingly (for some), this would have resulted in Kilkenny, Dublin, Galway all finishing on seven points, with Wexford on six.

But maybe that was what you were getting at.

Glynn went in full forward but I donā€™t remeber one ball going in to him.

Amazing how narratives come into play. It was level after 68 minutes, dublin were hurling out of their skins, Galway were well below par especially in the backs but it took crummys goal to decide it. Daithi conceded a free in the first half for nothing, a real head scratcher where he dived in and dispossessed rushed I think. It bothered him way too much. Dublin were blessed also not to concede an early penalty where Nolan came out and took tuohy out, almost like he was happy to concede a penalty but there was no whistle. Galway got some soft frees, I couldnā€™t figure what a few decisions were for. Inconsistent as fuck. But Dublin won more individual scraps for the ball and were the better team, just. Whelanā€™s value seen now. We made a hero out of Sean Moran landing ball on him but heā€™s a good player, a ball player, needed at centre back. Looks like a badly managed year all round, mixed with tiredness. similar to tipp last year in many respects.


Sounded like Moran cleaned up from commentary on the radio . Typical Galway to leave their best back loose. Weā€™re as well out.

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Galway screwed up bringing back Cooney from Australia and glynn who doesnā€™t even play with an Irish club from America. Lots of panel members well pissed off apparently. Would you blame them.

You are talking a load of rubbish. Scrap the provincial series says he after they waltzing in the back door last year.
You couldnā€™t make this up.

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If they were worth a fuck theyā€™d be starting before them. Glynn played well in the last two games.


Everyone seems to be seething bar Kilkenny, Tipp and Cork fans.

Iā€™d expect two of those teams in the AI Final

Understandable the Galway lads would be upset. Hard to know whats up the Limerick and Wexicans holes though, their wound up something rotten for some reason

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Clare would have hammered Galway both days last year but for Johnny Glynn. Heā€™s more than worth his place in that Galway team


Which team was unbeaten?

I think you canā€™t improve the current format to negate dead rubbers, it will never be possible with some teams struggling.

I still think the original Back Door System was the fairest one ( Iā€™d be quite happy for Championship to be Straight Knock Out ) and didnā€™t mean a team could lose 3 games and proceed.

Itā€™s comical that itā€™s actually possible but if LK for example lose & Munster Final but go on to win the AI well fair fucks really.
You play the system to the best means possible but itā€™s shite all the same.

All the clowns shouting for the Provincial Championships to be scraped are gas, they fail to remember this is an amateur sport where Silverware is hard won and to be cherished when placed in the Cabinet.

They day we start aping Soccer formats is the day this game is actually gone.


hurling is broken, but how can it be fixed?

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Kill the bandwagoners?

I thought the backdoor system that operated from 2002-17 was a reasonably good system. All the top tier teams were pretty much guaranteed a minimum of three matches, there were more cross provincial match ups and there was typically three weeks for most teams between most matches.


Mullen, Holden, Murphy, Lawlor, Fennelly? Any more?

They badly need some pace up front, a couple of times they got in behind but just didnā€™t have the pace to open them up.

Mullen was good, reminds me a bit of Eoin Larkin.

Fogarty too. Thatā€™s the guts of a decent team, you just know if they get to a semi final, these new lads with get to experience those training sessions that only KK teams in semi finals get to experience. How many lads have been transformed in the past as a result of those training nights in the park?

Chocolate mice proposing club championships in March and April. Easy knowing he doesnā€™t go to club matches.

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You couldnā€™t make it up.

Send Galway back to Connacht.