All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

@anon61878697 is a townie soccer ball man. It’s completely understandable

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If you don’t think Limerick are the best team ever, with the best fans ever, you’re seething :smile:

The want off ye sad cunts.


Twice last year and today?

There was a draw you have forgotten.

Do you border KK and have a long standing neighbourly rivalry? You tampon … There’s a 100 Limerick lads on here and 2 of them threw up a mild comment and the Galway lads a re crying… I thought you cunts were just messing for the last few months - but it appears you really are seething after last year. Ye bitter cunts. You cant handle that little of Limerick stood up and beat ye … True story, above in salt hill at the league game last year a group of Galway men were sneering at my mates - saying ‘you’re not a real hurling county’ … of course we turned that game around and walked all over you … and we did the same a few months later and you arrogant cunts cant handle it … shove it right up your holes you wankers.


Take the cat out for a walk there, you’re about to have a brain hemorrhage.

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We were laughed out of Ennis last year and deservedly so, nothing wrong with returning the favour in fact id question the entire point to a local derby if it was any way else.


I’m sipping on Guinness - with my cock in one hand and typing with the other

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The limerick lads are a riot talking about the Galway lads crying sure didn’t limerick lads cry for 23 years about a fucking finger :smile:


Fuck me they are gloating about getting 7 likes now :joy::joy::rofl::rofl:
Jesus wept


Give the cock your phone, it might make more sense.


You haven’t been to a hurling match in years you spoofer, let alone set foot in Galway.

Clare got a right few hidings at the start of Dalo’s career. They’d have gotten more except twas knockout.


How many guitars have you left?

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@KinvarasPassion is the only one of you bastards with a bit of class…


How many likes now @iron_mike :smile:

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He’s a cunt


3 Acoustics
1 Semi
1 Nylon


You want my cock?

Give it to the cat.