All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

Dunno kid, but I’m getting a bigger kick out of the seeth coming from you lot.

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You’ve been in Cork too long mate.

You’ll need them all I’d say

Have a lie down there buddy

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He’s asking me to put my cock online …

It’s shocking how badly Galway are taking this. A few Limerick lads are delighted to bate Clare and the Galway lads are doing the sausage dance. Bizarre.


They’re not getting enough back slaps for beating KK apparently

No mate, you admitted to jerking off while reading this thread and I suggested your cock might have more of a clue about hurling matters.

Hope he makes the magic 10, we are all rooting for you here @iron_mike
You can do it buddy!!

Walked all over? More like held on for dear life even with a ref bending over for ye. Ye weren’t a serious hurling county until JPs millions got involved

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chocolatemice on O’Connell street right now

Pride March?


No, no - I’m very humble about my big dick.


Good day out.

Touch, work rate and execution much better. Kiely & Kinnerk really outwitted Clare, Gillane roasted O’Connor something terrible. All day long he had him beat up a stick.

Fair play to Conlon & Duggan, beaten all over but they were the only two lads who kept plugging away even when the game was up. Has Tony Kelly actually played well in the championship against a decent team since 2013? O’Donnell’s limitations shown up again. Collins not much better.

It was all on the line for us today. Lose and we were gone. Still alive now, free shot at Tipp next week. Hard to see Clare getting a result next week but there is surely some kick in them.

Lovely to read the seethe on here also. There was a lovely bit of needle in LIT Gaelic Grounds among the supporters today and some of the voyeurs on here are acting in a similar vein, a bit of bile is always welcome.


Galway beat Kilkenny in Nowlan but the lads here bizarrely but unsurprisingly are more concerned with how Limerick celebrate their own important win over bitter rivals.


He looked on the way back last year, actually sad to see such a talent fade like that. Same thing in danger of happening to Austin Gleeson

Couple of old school Limerick/Clare fans kicked off next to me … they made up at half time when the Limerick roaster offered the Clare roaster a ham sangwich … they kicked off again then second half :smile:


Gloating is the lowest form of celebration


Kelly and Gleeson need a concall with Declan Hannon.