All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

Iā€™ve a gallon of porter in me now. But shur fuck it.
Sleep well all.



Fuck off. We were laughed out of ennis last year aswell. Right job for the cunts



Ye couldnā€™t beat wexford. Fuck off, yer at nothing. Must be hard for ye thinking ye were doing 2-3 in a row. We came along in one year with a bunch of young fellas and blew ye all away. The big physical Galway team that was going to dominate for years is all but a distant dream.

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Living rent free in Galway headsā€¦

Nobody from Galway was predicting two or three in a row you headcase. Besides, what would Limerick even know about such matters? 2-3 in a rows are for elite hurling counties.

Limerick narrowing the pitch was an interesting strategic innovation. You see it a lot in association football when a team of mullockers want to stop a free flowing and creative team from expressing themselves.

A shame they didnt bring it in more and really murder the cunts

cc @Ambrose_McNulty


Can you let me know the free flowing team who were supposed to be playing us yesterday as Clare turned up.

Some serious internetting took place here last night

Ye should try it next week.

@Bandage - I thought youā€™d like to know that @anon78624367, @Copper_pipe, @iron_mike , @chocolatemice and @dodgy_keeper were all in each otherā€™s company yesterday enjoying a couple of pre-game beverages ā€” TFK bringing weirdos together in real life :clap:

Showing the more serious side of the internet, iā€™m led to beleive that @anon26343222 had to attend the game in disguise yesterday in fear for his life.


@anon26343222 seemed in fine form before the game, heā€™d nothing to declare

I hope you children behaved yourselves and done what Mike told ye.

The INTERNET: bringing weirdos together in real life since 1948.


Be some craic watching them introduce each other to their real mates :smiley:,

You think anyone on here has real life mates? :rofl: